dare 245

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Me: Ok, here's a dare for everyone to play dodgeball!

Olympia: Ooh, that sounds like fun!

Oona: Yeah, except getting hit in the head with a dodgeball.... That doesn't sound fun.

Me: Don't worry, Oona. No one's going to get hit in the head with a dodgeball. It's against the rules to throw them at anyone's head.

Oona: *Sighs in relief* Oh.... Thank goodness. Then this is gonna be fun.

Todd: Especially fun for meee! Since I'm obviously going to win.

Olive: How do you know you're going to win?

Todd: Um, because I'm awesome. Duh!

O'Angel: Actually, Todd, even though you are really awesome.... Like really awesome. I'm actually gonna win.

Todd: Oh really? Sorry, but I don't think so, beautiful.

O'Angel: *Blushes a little* Just you wait. I'm pretty good at dodgeball, and you're gonna be surprised.

Todd: You're really cute when you're competitive. You know that?

O'Angel: *Smirks* You're cute too. *Takes a step closer to him* But I'm still gonna win. You know that?

Todd: *Blushes slightly*

Everyone: Ooooooooooh!

Me: Ok, so I think I'm gonna make Todd and O'Angel our two team captains. Half of you can be on Todd's team, and half of you can be on O'Angels team.

Olive: O'Angel! I wanna be on your team! I can't wait to show Todd who's boss.

O'Angel: I like the way you think. *Laughs* Girl power! *High fives Olive*

Todd: What did I just get myself into....?

*Todd and O'Angel pick the rest of their team members and then they start the game. And soon it's down to only Todd and Oren, and O'Angel and Olive.*

Oren: *Throws a dodgeball at Olive*

Olive: *Throws a dodgeball at Oren*

Oren: Ha! You're out now!

Olive: You're out too!

Oren: Oh.... Right. Ugh, dang it.

Olive: Ok, O'Angel, it's just you and Todd now. You got this!

O'Angel: Thanks, Olive.

Todd: So, you ready to lose?

O'Angel: Are you?

Todd: Good one.

O'Angel: Thanks. I know. *Smiles*

Todd: *Throws a dodgeball at her but he purposely misses*

O'Angel: *Throws a dodgeball at him* You're out!

Todd: Dang it!

O'Angel: Yay! I win! *Jumping up and down in happiness and excitement.*

Todd: *Smiles* Good game, O'Angel.

O'Angel: Thanks! You did good too. *Runs to Todd and hugs him* I had no idea I was gonna win! I mean, I know I was bragging and stuff, but I didn't think I'd actually win. *Giggles*

Todd: *Chuckles* Well, looks like you did. Good job. Look at you, being good at sports, and pretty too.

O'Angel: *Blushes* Hehe, oh stop it. *She walks off to shake everyone's hand on Todd's team*

Todd: *Walks over to Olive and shakes her hand.* Good game.

Olive: Thanks, Todd. You too. But isn't this usually the part where you make fun of me or something?

Todd: Yeah.... But O'Angel's shaking everyone's hand who was on my team, so I kinda have to do the same thing for everyone on her team.

Olive: *Chuckles* Oh, that makes more sense. Anyway, that was nice of you to let O'Angel win.

Todd: Yeah, yeah. I just saw how happy she looked playing the game, and I just decided to let her win. It was worth it to see her all excited about winning.

Olive: Ooooooooh you really care about her! Awwwwwww!

Todd: *Blushes* Whatever.

Olive: *Laughs*

*O'Angel walks back over to them*

O'Angel: This was a really fun dare!

Todd: Yeah!

Olive: Yeah, it was!

Otto: Yeah!

Me: Ok, dare done!

A/n: Hope you guys liked this dare! Thx InvincibleRacoon for requesting this! Hope you like it!!

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