dare 194

174 2 21

Me: Ok, here's a dare for me to tell  Osmerelda and Little O about VFD (Volunteer Fire Department)!

Osmerelda: What's that?

Orpita: It sounds really cool.

Olivia: Well, basically, it's a secret organization called VFD, which stands for Volunteer Fire Department.

Otto: Yeah. Except you left out the fact that your parents are in it....

Otis: You also left out the fact that ALL of our parents are in it too.

Olivia: Hehe, oh right.

Orpita: Wait, what?! So my parents are in this cool secret organization that they didn't tell me about?!

Oona: That's what we were thinking when we figured this out!

Ohana: Our parents just wanted to keep it a secret until you figured it out yourselves. They didn't want you guys to think that it would interfere with our job at odd squad.

O'Angel: Yeah, which it doesn't by the way, since our parents do most of the work there anyway. We just come on some missions when they need us, or when we just have free time.

Orpita: Ohhh ok, that makes sense. *smiles* So what's it like going on missions with them?

Olivia: It's great!

Olympia: We actually got to go on a mission with them! Well, technically we were all just sitting in the break room while we watched the mission through the drone camera.... but we still helped and it was awesome!

Osmerelda: That sounds amazing!

*The agents tell Osmerelda and Orpita all about their vfd mission and they show them the secret spy backpack.*

Orpita: Wow! That's so cool. I wish we could go on a mission with them.

Olivia: Hey guess what? Mom just called me and said there's a mission for us. Osmerelda and Orpita, we can bring you two along this time if you want.

O'Angel: Yeah, do you two wanna come with us?

Orpita: Yes!

Osmerelda: Ok, that'd be great! *Picks up a microphone to take with her*

Ohana: What's with the microphone?

Osmerelda: Singing practice. I can practice on the way to the mission.

Ohana: Oh, ok.

*Later after the mission*

Orpita: That mission was awesome! And so was your singing along the way, Osmerelda.

Osmerelda: Thank you.

Me: Ok, dare done!

A/n: Hope you guys liked this dare! Thx maraunicornff  for requesting this! Hope you like it!!

Odd Squad truth/dare book {requests are open}Where stories live. Discover now