dare 231

95 3 14

Me: Ok, here's a dare for the squad to throw a surprise birthday for Ohana!

Olympia: Yay! Birthday party dare! I LOVE surprise birthday parties!!

Otto: Ooh, can I be in charge of snacks?

Olympia: Sure!

Otto: Yes!

Olive: And I can help you with the snacks. Otherwise you won't be able to choose between cupcakes and donuts. *Giggles*

Otto: Choose? That's hilarious. We're getting cupcakes and donuts, Olive.

Olive: Ah, of course.

Everyone: *Laughs*

Olympia: Ok, Octavia and Oz can be in charge of decorations. Oscar and Oona, you two can be in charge of music and Otis and I will get the cake. This is gonna be so awesome!


Olympia: Wow, this place looks great! You did really great on the decorations Octavia and Oz.

Octavia: Thank you! The streamers were Oz's idea.

Oz: I really like streamers. It's a whole thing.

Olympia: Ok then. Well they look amazing. And Oona, you and Oscar did great with the music. I can't believe you got 'Noise Test' to play at the party! They're such an awesome band.

Oona: I know right!

Otto: *Walks up to them* I prefer Soundcheck.

Olive: Ok, let's not start debating about Soundcheck and Noise Test. We have a surprise party to throw.

Oona: Oh, right. So did you guys get the snacks?

Otto: Yup. *Points to the snack table which is piled up with snacks*

Olive: And if it wasn't for me there would be even more snacks than that. Otto insisted on getting literally a thousand hotdogs.

Otis: That's actually not a bad idea. We do want to make sure there are enough hotdogs.

Otto: Thank you. See? It's a good idea.

Olympia: Well, anyway, good job on the snacks you two.

Olive and Otto: Thanks.

Orchid: You guys, Ohana's coming!

Olympia: Everyone hide! And make sure you shout surprise when she shows up.

*Everyone hides behind their desks and when Ohana walks in they all jump up and shout surprise*

Everyone: Surprise!! Happy birthday!!

Ohana: Wow, you guys! This is amazing! This is a surprise party for me?

Olympia: Yes! Happy birthday Ohana!

Ohana: Wow! Thank you guys!

Olympia: And look at the cake Otis and I made for you. *Shows Ohana the cake* Otis basically did all the baking since he's such an amazing cook, but I did help decorate it. We couldn't decide between strawberry icing or vanilla icing, so we just did both.

Ohana: It looks so cool!

Otis: Thank you.

Otto: And look at all the awesome snacks. Olive and I did that.

Ohana: *Giggles* Thanks guys.

Olive: No problem.

Otto: Now let's get this party started!

Everyone: Yay!

*They all have fun at the party and Ohana opens presents that everyone got her*

Ohana: Thank you guys again for this awesome party!

Olympia: Awww, you're welcome!

Oona: This was such a fun dare!

Oscar: Yeah!

Me: Ok, dare done!

A/n: Hope you guys liked this dare! Thx Blehfan105 for requesting this! Hope u like it!!

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