Bad Boy b.a.

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Your POV

It was a regular Thursday for you. Go to class, do your work, hang out with friends and then relax back in your place. You take your seat in class waiting for others to arrive. You're casually scrolling on Instagram when you hear a group laughing. You look up only to roll your eyes in annoyance. It was Brandon and his annoying ass friends. "Jeez." You whisper under your breath. Brandon Arreaga annoyed the living crap out of you.

Never did his work, always interrupted, falls asleep constantly and just makes a scene whenever he gets in trouble. The bell finally rang and class was starting. Of course he had to come sit right next to your desk. "Hey y/n." He smirked at you. You roll your eyes and face forward. "Aww cmon don't be like that." He reached over and rubbed my arm. You move away. "Don't do that." You were pissed off already. "Alright I'm not going beat around the bushes. You have a test this Friday and it's worth a big chunk of your grade. So make sure you study study study!"

The teacher explained to the whole class. There were groans and comments from the whole class. After that little announcement we went right into the lesson. It was pretty simple. Brandon on the other hand didn't even start and just played on his phone under the desk. The bell rang and he turned in the assignment. Before we could leave for the day, the teacher called you over to his desk. Along with Brandon.

"Is something wrong?" You asked putting your phone in your pocket. "What's up?" Brandon said holding his bag with one strap. "I don't know how to tell you both this, but I'm going to need you to tutor Brandon y/n." He explained to the both of us. "WHAT?!" "I'm down." Brandon looked over at you with a smirk again. "No way not happening. You expect me to teach someone like him?!" You cross your arms. "Ouch." He held his chest sarcastically as if he was hurt by your words.

"Look y/n you are my smartest student. Maybe it could help Brandon if you explained it to him. Now Brandon if you don't pass this test, I have no choice but to fail you for the semester." Brandon's smirk went away immediately. "You can't do that!" He started to get defensive. "I can and I will if you don't get your act together. You both can leave." He handed us both passes to our next class. Great. You had to spend time with this idiot.

"If it makes you feel better, I don't want to do this either." Brandon said walking a few steps behind you. "Whatever. What time do you want me to come over?" You turn around and ask. You both plan for after school and head to your next classes.


School ended and you didn't see Brandon anywhere. You texted him that you were going to head over to his place. After a few minutes of walking you make it to his house. You walk up to the door and knock on it. You don't get an answer. "HELLO? IS ANYONE HOME?" You yell for an answer but don't receive one. You look down at the door knob and turn it to see if it was unlocked. To your surprise it was and you slowly step into his house. It was pretty. That's when you heard something coming from upstairs. As you walk up you can piece the noises together.

Moans? You walk up to the door it's coming from. You then the knob and open the door. "Hell- OH MY GOD." You squeeze your eyes shut. It was definitely brandon in the room. With a girl from my
Spanish class doing the "you know what". She screamed and brandon pulled his boxers up immediately. "J-just hurry up and get dressed." You slam the door shut and go back downstairs. You sit on the couch and try to distract yourself from what you just saw.

After a few minutes both of them came downstairs. The girl looked like a whole mess with some hickeys on her neck. "You're gonna call me right?" She asked as Brandon handed her backpack to her. "Of course doll." He lifted her chin with his fingers and smiled at her. He opened the door for her and shut it before she could say anything else. You glare at Brandon. "What? Are you jealous?" He chuckled and sat down next to you. You scoot away. "Definitely not." You respond as you take out your books.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2021 ⏰

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