Come Over e.h.

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(Your POV)

I was texting Edwin to come over because I was so bored out of my mind.


Come over pleaseeee I'm really bored

Should I?

We could watch a movie!!!

Okay princess I'm on my way😘


He got here in 10 minutes. He was wearing a black shirt with black sweatpants and slides. "EDDIE!!!" I said running towards him giving him such a big hug. He hugged me back the same way. "You missed me that much? I was here earlier." He chuckled. "I know I just missed you a lot." I smiled at him.

He came inside and we both sat down on the couch. "What do you want to watch?" I asked him. "Anything you want I don't mind." He said putting his arm around me. I clicked on a movie called truth or dare and it started playing. I snuggled up next to edwin and started watching.

I looked up at edwin and he was looking at the tv. I wasn't really into the movie. I gave him a few kisses on the cheek because I felt like it. I put my leg on top of his leg. He looked at me and I looked at him. He smiled and kissed my forehead. I gradually stretched my arm out and onto his dick area. He looked at me again. "You okay?" He asked. "Yeah I'm good." I said uniting his sweatpants string.

I pulled down his sweatpants and boxers. "If you wanted it you could've just said so." He said. "I know." I said wrapping my hand around his dick. I went up and down for a little before putting his size in my mouth. I could hear him exhaling a lot. I went deeper. I took it out of my mouth and started going up and down his dick. "Fuck." He said under his breath.

I sucked all over his dick for a while. I sucked on the tip and swirled my tongue all over it. He was moaning more. I jerked him off then his load came out all over my hands. I licked my fingers and looked at him. He started kissing me and pulled me on top of him. I took off my shirt kissed him again. He pulled down my sports bra and started sucking on my nipples.

I smiled and moaned. I could feel his throbbing dick outside my shorts. I took off my sports bra. He was pulling down the front of my shorts. I pulled them down leaving me only in my red laced panties. I wanted him so badly. His dick was right in front of my heat. God I wanted it so bad. "Someone's excited." He smiled putting both hands on my hips.

I giggled and ran my hands all over him. He moved my panties to the side and rubbed his dick up and down my vagina. I but my lip. He then placed it inside and I sat down. I moaned as it went all the way in. I bent my head back and bounced on him. We were both moaning. I started off slow and then gradually started going faster. His hands were on my hips again.

I bounced as fast I could. God it felt so fucking good. He was enjoying it as well. He could sense that I was getting tired so he held onto my thighs and started drilling into me. So many moans were coming out and they were so loud. All you could hear was clapping and the movie playing in the background. I squeezed my eyes shut and moaned more.

His grip got tighter and his breath was heavier. He drilled me more and more. The thrusts became sloppier. I then came. He wasn't done yet. I started bouncing on his again at a fast pace. He was moaning so much. I then slowed down and got on my knees and started jerking his off again. His load shot out all over me.

We were both tired. I went back up towards him and kissed him. "You're so beautiful." He said to me. "We did it so long the movies over." He pointed. I turned around and saw the credits of the movie. "Oh well we weren't even watching."

Hi I'm here
Just felt like writing
Idk when nudes will be updated yet but it will
Sorry for not being active. I've just been really sad since my boyfriend left for the military

I'll update again soon


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