Lessons a.p.

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Your POV

I was taking notes in my math class. "Okay class I'm going to pair you up with someone in the class so you can finish your work quicker." If course I was paired up with the new kid. I mean I wasn't upset but I don't even know him. It's going to be so awkward omg.

"Hi. I'm y/n." I said dropping my books on the table. "Austin." He responded with a smile. Maybe this won't be so bad. He was a genius in math. Not to mention he was really cute. I was having so much trouble with this like what??

"Do you need some help?" He asked me putting his hand on my hand. I looked at our hands and moved mine away. "It's okay I'll figure it out m-." "I insist. We can come back to my place and I could help you." He offered with a smile. "Are you sure?" I asked him.

"Yeah. I'm free now since my buddy Nick has another tutor." He pointed at Nick with a girl with glasses and brown hair. "Ohh okay then. What time should I come over?" I asked. "Anytime." He replied. He gave me his address then the bell rang.

"I'll see you later." He winked at me. I sighed. "Y/n, what are you getting yourself into?" I told myself.


I changed into a black skinny strap shirt and jeans. I walked to his dorm room and knocked on the door. "Who is it?" I heard. "Y/n!!" I replied. I heard the door unlock and he opened he door. His long hair was cut off. "Your hair!" I said shocked. "Yeah I went to go get it cut like 10 minutes ago." He said running his fingers through it.

He looked good. Like extremely good. He welcomed me in and I sat on his couch. I couldn't stop looking at him. "You good?" He asked chuckling. I blinked a few times and then nodded my head. "You're really hot." I blurted out. I covered my face. Oh god. He chuckled and moved my hands away. "You're not so bad yourself." He said looking up and down at me.

My face started to heat up. "You know.. we don't have to study right now." I said moving my books away from my lap. "Okay then what do you have in mind?" He said doing the same thing as me. I pulled him by the shirt and started kissing him. He was now hovering over me.

He took off my shirt and his shirt then my jeans leaving me in my matching black and white bra and panties. His hands traveled all over my body and curves. His fingers brushed up and down my heat. He smirked and moved them aside. He inserted 2 fingers into me and started pumping.

I was moaning and biting my lip. He picked up speed and I was moaning a lot more. "Oh my god-." "Not yet." He commanded. He kept going and going. "Oh my- FUCK." I screamed. "Now you can." He murmured in my ear. I released all over his hand. I was out of breath. So much pleasure.

"Come back tomorrow for tomorrow's lesson." He said putting his shirt back on. I understood what he meant. I got up and changed back into my clothes. I  pulled his shirt and kissed him again. "Can't wait." I said leaving his room.

I'm alive.

Next chapter coming soon!!


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