Shower e.h.

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Requested by jaidaalexis

(Y/n's P.O.V)

I was at the PM house hanging out with the guys and my boyfriend Edwin. I was playing Fortnite with Zion. "HES BEHIND YOU!" I yelled at Zion. "SHIT SHIT SHIT AWWWWW FUCK UGHHHHHH." He yelled. "That's what you get for not listening to me." I nudged him.

He tackled me onto the ground and started tickling me. "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA ZION STOP AHAHAHAHAHA I CANT BREATHEEEEE!" I screamed. "NOPE!" He yelled back.

"What's going on here?" Edwin said standing behind us. "Nothing we were just messing around." Zion said getting up. "Messing around?" Edwin's jaw clenched. "Babe chill out we were just playing." I said getting up. "Listen Zion your my best friend and all but I'm gonna tell you this once and once only. Don't touch my girlfriend." Edwin crossed his arms.

"Edwin! What's gotten into you? You know Zion is my best friend." I said defending Zion. "I don't care. He's been really touchy with you and I've bit my tongue every time until now." He raised his voice. "Umm... I'm gonna go hang out with Nick and play basketball..." Zion said slowly leaving.

"You're so childish." I raised my voice. "I'm sorry babe. I just get over protective." He said going in for a hug but I pushed him away. "No. You spazzed out at him for no reason. Just go away Edwin." I said going upstairs. I decided to take a shower.

I got undressed and got into the shower. I felt he got water hit my back. I was listening to mind of posiden. As I was singing I was scared to see Edwin who opened the shower curtain all the way. "WHAT THE-." "Shut up." He said forcefully kissing me. He backed me up against the way not breaking the kiss.

His hand was already down rubbing my heat. I moaned through the kiss. He backed me into the corner of the shower. The walls were cold so my back arched up. He then lifted up my leg onto his shoulder and shoved himself into me. I groaned so loud.

"Who makes you feel like this huh? You think Zion could make you feel like this? Huh? I'm the only one that can do this. I'm the only one that can make you feel so fucking good." He said in a deep voice in my ear. I was starting to become a moaning mess.

He started leaving love bites all over my neck all the way down to my chest and breast. "Edwin." I gasped. His other hand messed with my clit making me bite my lip and look up and squinted my eyes. "God you make me feel so good." I wined.

All you could hear are our moans and the sound of our wet skin hitting each other. His hands went down my my ass and squeezed it so hard. "Against the wall." He said turning me around. He then hit me from the back and I screamed in pleasure. He smacked my ass and rubbed it over as he thrusted in and out of me.

He gripped my hair and continued to thrust in and out. He started to slow down. I felt a knot in my stomach starting to form. I then came all over him. "On your knees." He said pushing me down. I grabbed his dick and started sucking him. He was moaning and groaning.

I felt his load fill up my mouth. "You still mad at me?" He asked panting. "Yes." He gave me an annoyed mad face. "I'm joking." I chuckled. He picked me up, leaned me against the wall and kissed me again.

We finished taking a shower together and got changed into clean clothes. We both went downstairs holding hands to see everyone looking at us with wide eyes. "PLEASE. DO THAT SHIT WHEN WE AREN'T HOME." Nick said covering his face.

My face started to get all hot. Edwin kissed me repeatedly making me giggle. "Maybe you shouldn't be here when we do this shit ever thought of that?" Edwin joked. Nick rolled his eyes and everyone went to do what they had to do. I snuggled up next to Edwin on the couch as we watched a movie.


I had no motivation to write and I still don't. The Tutor will be updated I don't even fucking know.

Next chapter coming soon!!


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