Dinner b.a.

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Y/n POV.

Brandon and I are flying down to Miami to see my parents for Christmas. Recently Brandon's been really quiet and to himself. He barely talks to me anymore and it's getting me mad.

"I can't wait to land." I told him. "Mhm." He said still on his phone. I rolled my eyes and looked out he window.

We finally landed and let up with my parents. They were really happy to see me and Brandon. We went back to my house and got ready for dinner. I ignored Brandon and he did the same with me which was getting me mad again.

Luckily I had a plan. I was going to wear maroon skin tight dress to dinner. I changed into it and walked out. Brandon was on his phone again. He looked up and couldn't look back down. My plan is working. I put on my makeup and looked in the mirror to see him still staring.

"Go get dressed." I told him putting on mascara. He got up and went into the bathroom. When he finished he came out in a sexy suit and tie. "Ready?" I asked gettin up. "Yeah." He said following me. Just then I felt him slap my ass and I yelped. He chuckled and smirked. I rolled my eyes and we walked out.

We met my parents at the restaurant and we sat across from them. We were all talking about work, how Cali is and how we both have been. Just then I felt Brandon's hand on my thigh. He pulled it close to him so my legs were open. I tried closing them again but his hands were stronger.

He started going up my thigh and was outside my heat. His fingers glided up and down making me loose concentration. "Y/nnnnnn?" My dad waved in my face. I blinked a few times. "Sorry. I zoned out." I apologized. "It's okay sweetie. You're probably really sleepy from that flight." My mom said taking a sip of her water.

I smiled and laughed a little. I then felt Brandon move the laced material to the side and stick his middle finger inside me. I gasped and my parents looked at me worried to see if anything was wrong. "My foot fell asleep." I played it off. They nodded. I looked at Brandon who had a smirk on his face.

He started fingering me slowly and I tried really hard not to moan. His thumb rubbed my clit in circles. I put my head back. "You okay sweetie?" My mom asked. "Stretching." I said putting my arms up.

He continued to finger me. I texted him.


Why? This is starting to get fun

He started to pick up speed just a little bit. My parents then got up to go pay for the bill. Immediately Brandon starts fingering me really fast. My mouth fell open. It felt so good. "You look so fucking sexy." He whispered in my ear as his pace went faster.

I then released on his hand and he took his fingers out. He wiped his hand with the napkins on the table. I looked at him full of lust. I wasn't sleepy anymore. "I'll finish what I started when we get back home." He said in my ear.


Next chapter coming soon!!


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