phones b.a.

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Your POV

Brandon has been on tour for 3 weeks now and I'm so lonely. He did has another 5 weeks until he comes back. Brandon wasn't very active with me the days leading up to him leaving cause he was super busy. I get it he was rehearsing and preparing for tour which is fine.

He calls every night to tell me he loves me before be goes to sleep. We quickly chat about our days then he falls asleep.

Although tonight was different. Tonight he FaceTimed me which is different. It's normally just a phone call.


"Y/n oh how I've missed you." He said with a smile.

"Brandon you call me everyday-"

"That's not the same as facetiming you and seeing your beautiful sexy face." He said sitting up straight more.

"Why thank you Mr. Arreaga. So why you decide to FaceTime me in the middle of the day today?"

"Well we have an off day and I realized something." He said getting quieter.

"Oh? And what was that?"

"That I can not wait to fuck you so hard until you can't walk." He growled.


"What?! I just realized that the last time I had an intimate time with you was last month! I should've released all this tension the night before we left for tour princess and I'm so sorry.. I can't imagine how you've been feeling." He said switching up and getting nice all of a sudden.

"Brandon baby I have ways to pleasure myself. Sure it's not the same without you but-"

"Great! Show me!" He said putting in his own headphones.

"What? Now?"

"Please for me?!" He said sounding like a little kid.

"But Brandon-"

"Come on princess just imagine me....running my hands all over your body kissing all over your body." He said making me close my eyes and imagine it.

I smiled and bit my lip. I opened my eyes again and looked at his cute little face.

"I suppose I can." He smiled like a little boy receiving a million toys.

"Is- is anyone home?" He asked looking in the screen as if he could see anything.

"No baby I'm in your room."

"You're at the prettymuch house? Even better." He said fiddling with something under the screen that I couldn't see.

I giggled and grabbed some books to prop up my phone so he could see. I slowly started to undress myself. He was still fiddling with something under the screen but I didn't ask.

I positioned myself so he could see me and my area. I took my fingers and put them in mouth sucking on them.

I put them in my mouth as I rubbed myself slowly. I my fingers in and out while looking directly at Brandon. "Fuck you're so beautiful." He said in a low voice.

I smiled and stuck 2 fingers into me. I groaned and closed my eyes. "Fuck." Brandon whispered.

I started to go faster and moans escaped from me. I opened my eyes and saw Brandon really concerted.

I slowed down my pace and took the dildo and inserted it into myself.

"You like what you see baby?" I asked in an innocent voice. "If only I could be there right now ramming in and out of you." He said moving his hands under the screen.

I started to pick up the pace and threw my head back. "Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!" I moaned. "Shit." He groaned. He sat back in his chair and I finally saw what he was doing.

I bit my lip and started rubbing my clit really fast. My mouth fell open and moans escaping. "Fuck y/n." Brandon cursed.

Just then I felt the knot in my stomach grow bigger. I then released and panted. I looked at the camera to see him still going at it. He finally came after about a few seconds.

We were both out of breath. "I can't wait to replace that dildo." He smirked. "When you're ready you know where to find me." I smirked.

"I have to go now baby. I love you." He said giving me kisses. "I love you too." I kiss back. "I'll be calling later." He winked and then hung up.

Oof phone sex💀😂

Next chapter coming soon!!


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