Dinner pt. 2 b.a.

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Your POV.

We drove back home in silence. Well a few little moans from me because Brandon made me keep my legs open so he could squeeze my inner thigh and make circles all around it. We pulled up into my driveway and he opened the door for me.

He picked me up and opened the house. I got out of his grip and pulled him close to my face. "You're gonna be punished for ignoring me. You're not getting it that easily." I pulled him upstairs by the tie. We made it to the bedroom and I sat him down in the chair we had in the room.

I took off his blazer and his white buttoned down shirt. I tied both of his wrists to the arm rests with some of my scarfs. I started to strip in front of him. "Y/n I've learned my lesson now let me go." He said getting mad. I smirked.

I unclipped my strapless bra laid down on the bed. I sucked on 2 fingers and made direct contact with him. His hands were balled into fists and his jaw was clenched. I slid my panties off slowly and then put them on the floor. I stuck the 2 fingers inside me and began pumping.

"Y/n, LET. ME. GO." He demanded. I ignored him and continued moaning and pumping my fingers. "Fuck Brandon you're so hot when you're mad." I said still pumping my fingers. I finally came and sucked my fingers again. He was growing even more impatient. I went over towards him and got on my knees so I was face to face with his dick.

I took off his dress pants and pulled them down. His dick was poking out of his boxers. I licked a stride up on his dick through the fabric. I pulled his boxers down and started deep throating his dick. He was groaning and sucking the air between his teeth. He was really hard.

I kept sucking and sucking until I felt his cum all around the inside of my mouth. "I think you've learned your lesson." I said uncuffing him. As soon as he was free he grabbed me and pushed me onto the bed. He lifted my leg up and pushed himself into to immediately. He pounded into me.

My mouth fell open and I arched my back. I haven't felt this in a while. He pulled out and flipped me onto my stomach. I got my my hands and knees. He slammed into me again from the back. I was moaning like crazy. "Bbbbbrrrraaaannnnddddoooonnnn." I moaned.

He pulled my hair back and pounded into me every thrust. He thrusted a few more times into me before slowing down and finally pulling out right before I reached my high. He turned me back around so I was on my back and started eating me out. His tongue licked everywhere.

I could feel my high coming back again. I bit my lip and then let out a loud moan. I then came all over his mouth. He came back up to me and left hickeys all over my neck and chest. "Just to let you know.. I'll always be in control." He smirked. I panted. He made out with me again and then fell to the side of me.

Brandon is one of my daddies

Next chapter coming soon!!


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