letters to those she loves

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A/N: Hi all, so so sorry it's taken me so long to update!! I was looking through my notes and found these letters I wrote to explore some of Josie's emotions when both Alex and Erik left.They're in no particular order and serve no real plot purpose but I thought you might enjoy reading them! They're unedited bc again they are just fun little writing exercises. I promise to have a real update within the next few weeks :)


Dear Alex,

It's been a month since you were drafted and already I feel myself slowly slipping away like I did after that day on the beach. You were my shield here, my knight with a shining white aura I could find and hide in when the others became too much. You kept me sane, the way you always saw me, the way I could never see myself. What I'm trying to say is that I miss you Summers. Hurry home. The Professor, Hank, and I need you. So much more than you know. A few of the other students have started to receive their draft papers and Charles fears they may all be sent off to fight in this idiotic war too. Be careful, Alex.

Yours, Josie


Return to Sender; No Such Person at this Address
Dear Erik,

I hope you and Raven are safe. I used the last of my connections from my old life to track you lot down to this address. Charles and I tried to find you, tried to tell you to come home but every time we had just missed you. Your aura clung to the room like a ghost. You have no idea how maddening that is, to feel someone even when they're no longer there. It was always crimson, heavy and dark, and a part of me wanted to believe it lightened when we were together. I know now that was only the wish of a woman who looked at you with rose colored lenses. On the off chance you read this and not send it back to me like you have done with every letter before this one, know I won't stop looking for you until both you and Raven come home.

Yours, Josie


Dear Alex,

I am so happy to have received your letter even if it's almost a year after you wrote it. The pictures you enclosed are wonderful! Hank and Charles have each taken one to display in their offices to keep you with us. I kept the one you addressed for me. I love you too, Alex. Ask me again when you return safe and sound. Until then, take care of yourself. I'm doing better now, burying myself in work as usual. The school isn't doing well. Like Charles predicted, other students are starting to receive their draft papers and the halls are becoming emptier and emptier with the passing weeks. My fear we may not have enough students to keep us up and running is starting to come true. I tell you this so you are informed NOT so you worry yourself over it. Do not worry about me or the school, focus on staying alive out there. We will both be waiting for your safe return.

Yours, Josie


Return to sender; No Such Person at this Address
Dear Erik,

Happy six years of your disappearing act. Today I write my final letter. Charles found out I was still looking and obviously isn't happy about it. Alex is disappointed. He says he understands, he says he just wants me to move on and be happy. He means move on from you and to him. I love him, Erik but not the way he wants me to. He promised to take care of me, the way I had hoped you would one day. That's what makes missing you so difficult; the what if. What if you hadn't left me on that beach? What if I had gone with you like you asked? I was never one to seek danger, I wanted to protect people. You only wanted to insight fear. I was willing to let myself begin to fall in love with you, open myself up to the possibility and now it's as if that's all I can think of when I think of you. You are the man I almost loved, the man I almost gave my heart to. Maybe Alex is right, maybe he can give me what I had hoped to have with you. Goodbye Erik, there will always be a place for you in my heart but it can no longer be all of it.

Yours, Josie


Dear Alex,

I cannot believe you're finally coming home! It's been so long since I've seen you, so long since I've heard from you for that matter. The war is over which means I will be seeing you again soon. No the school is no longer open and Charles has thrown himself into chasing a constant drunken state while Hank tries to keep him happy in the only way he can. The serum Hank used all those years ago to try and reverse the physical effects of his mutation finally work and Charles can walk again. With the use of his legs comes the loss of his telekinesis which frustrates him to no end. Hank too has used the serum to withdraw from being Beast and looks just as he did when we all first met. To answer your last question, no there hasn't been anyone. I've casually dated as you suggested but nothing serious. You promised to take care of me and I'm holding you to it, Summers. I can't wait to see you.

Yours, Josie

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