chapter fourteen

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prison break and the kid

x CHAPTER FOURTEEN xprison break and the kid

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Josie waited in the car when they went to convince Logans speedster friend, Peter, to help them break Erik out of the Pentagon. She had been polite even as he zipped in and out of the car before the boys even made it to the front door. She was even willing to give him the front seat until he tried to touch the gun in the  glove box. He was fast enough to move his hand before she slammed the cover shut but unable to get away from the revulsion rippling through him until he had to open the door and puke.

Charles had suppressed a laugh while Logan smirked from the back. From then on Peter had been a perfect gentleman for the rest of the ride. It had been roughly twenty minutes since the boys had all gone into the pentagon and the nerves were building in Josie by each passing second. She willed away the ice blue overcoming her body and allowed a peaceful green and self controlling orange to take its place. The radio was turned up and "Who Loves the Sun" by The Velvet Underground was just beginning to play.

"Who loves the sun / who cares that it makes plants grow-" she sang as alarm bells rang. She turned up the music, her smile growing as she sang instead, "Here we go!"

The music was loud and that familiar feeling of an adrenaline high hit Josie. It was a feeling she was accustomed to in the CIA but it had been so long since she'd felt it now it was overwhelming. She looked to the door and saw Logan first, then turned to find Peter in the front seat.

"Josie, go!" Charles called as they neared the car.

"Finally." She breathed before she was stepping on the gas and moving through traffic.

Peter attempted to change the channel and gagged causing Logan to once again smirk and Charles to say her name in playful warning. The drive wasn't as eventful as Josie hoped it would be but she did get to follow down the maze of roads that made up the city she once called home.

Peter was laughing at each sharp turn while the men crammed in the back were less than pleased with the reckless driving. Logan, aside from the obvious discomfort he felt from being cooped up in the back seat enjoyed seeing how happy Josie was. He had only seen her as the somber woman who alongside Professor X had coaxed him out of his self loathing.

Once they'd arrived at the small landing strip where Hank was waiting with the jet, Josie was immediate in parking and exiting the vehicle. She came onto Peter's side and opened the door to get to the glove box. Not caring that he refused to get up, Josie opened the box on his lap and pulled out the gun before shutting it behind her.

"Whoa. Take a guy to dinner first."

"Oh grow up. As if you'd be so lucky."

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