chapter one

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moira's partner

x CHAPTER ONE x moira's partner

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The water surrounding the glorified tug boat Josephine March found herself on thanks to her partner Moira MacTaggert, was as black as the night sky above her. The man, or rather the mutant, Moira had been so transfixed with was aiming his gaze over the boat and towards an object floating in the water.

The ships crew were shouting around her in a panic. She quickly stepped up to Charles Xavier in her large yellow boots and asked, "What is it? Can you... hear Shaw?"

Through his strain, Charles pressed two fingers to the side of his temple, answering with, "No. There's someone else down there! He's..." He stopped his reply as he began shouting for the man to let Shaw's ship go before racing off somewhere on the boat.

Immediately Josephine looked out towards the object floating in the churning sea. The woman shut her eyes, concentrated on sensing the man in the water. She found the aura like a crimson beacon. Steadying herself, Josephine concentrated on fixing his aura. She saw the shape of it, felt the weight of his hatred but still she pressed on. Josephine attacked the outer edges of his being, attempting to lighten it to an orange in hopes of bringing him to some level of self-control.

This man intrigued her. Never had she been exposed to such straightforward anger and pain. It was evil, it was dark, and she enjoyed every moment of tie-dyeing his aura like a sunset. She could feel the determination radiating off of him, his willingness to end a life, to do what he must to quench his thirst for revenge.

The man felt her as he spoke to Charles who had somehow made it into the water with the man, she knew he could sense her presence but still she pushed on, caring more for this mans life than for him to expose her secret. He wouldn't be able to tell who she was anyway. Finally the man fell slack, his aura fading from its fiery shape. Charles was the first and only passenger on the boat to speak with him, Moira watching his every movement in concern.

Josephine released her hold on his aura once she saw the pair converse on the surface. In a sigh of relief, the agent fell back against her partner in exhaustion. Moira tore her gaze away from Charles long enough to look down at Josephine in concern.

"Are you alright?!" Moira asked worriedly.

Josephine didn't answer, simply looked down at the two men treading water.


Once the two men were on the boat, Moira and Josephine were waiting with blankets for them. Moira wasted no time in wrapping Charles up and asking him if he was alright. Josephine looked at the man with the steely, irritated gaze pointed at the pair engrossed with one another.

"Here." Josephine blurted, arm outstretched with the blanket.

His attention turned to her, eyes darting down to the towel. He took it from her carefully. His strong hand wrapped around it and he thanked her with a slight nod.

Josephine felt herself smiling at him as he wrapped the blanket around his broad shoulders, her arm reaching out once more to shake his hand, "Josephine March."

He regarded her hand with disinterest but kept the blanket wrapped around him with one hand and reached out to shake her outstretched one with the other, "Erik Lehnsherr."

The woman released his hand and looked followed Moira and Charles to the edge of the boat and onto the dock where Moira's car was waiting for them along with the head of the occult sector of the CIA.

Charles opened the driver door for Moira while Josephine looked up at the man in the black suit and glasses, "We're going to need a change if clothes for Charles and Mr. Lehnsherr." The man looked around her and into the car where Moira, Charles and Erik were sitting. Josephine rolled her eyes and moved in front of his line of sight, "Is the hotel room ready?"

"What? Oh...uh, yes. Yes it is."

"Perfect! Now get in." Josephine sent a quick fake smile his way before making her way to the passenger seat.

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