chapter nine

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more training and the speech

x CHAPTER NINE xmore training and the speech

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For the next few days, all of the mutants were busy training to control their abilities. Josie practiced controlling emotions from various places across the mansion. She had become quite good at sensing emotions from people outside of the room she was in. From her bedroom she could sense the mutants scattered around the home. Currently, Erik was with Charles attempting to move the satellite. She, however, needed only to look out her bedroom window to find that out. So that's what she did.

Josie sat in the windowsill the same way she did when Charles had called her for her training, the same book held open in her hands but she wasn't focusing on it. She was trying to hear what the two were talking about below her window. Eventually she saw Erik struggle to move the satellite off in the distance. Josie watched in awe as the large disk began to move.

Once it stopped she looked down to see Charles and Erik laughing happily, their auras a bright magenta. Eriks gaze rose up to her window and returned the smile he had sent her way. His aura flickered to a color she wasn't quick enough to identify before he was looking away from her and back to Charles.


"Josie! You have to come down here. Banshee's about to start training." Alex rushed into her room, a broad grin consuming his face.

Josie's eyes widened as she set down the book and stood from the windowsill. The pair dashed through the large home until the neared the study where everyone was sitting or leaning out of the windows. Josie felt Eriks presence, this time a pleasing magenta. She neared him, squeezing in beside him at the window.

He looked down at her, a small smile on his lips. Josie looked on jovially as Banshee plummeted to the ground. Everyone in the windows erupted into roars of laughter, even broody Erik had joined in. A broad smile made its way onto Josie's face when she heard his deep chuckle. It would be a long time before she heard it again.


Later that day, everyone was gathered in Charles study as the president spoke through the television. Josie was lounging on the couch, not paying any attention, her feet in Alex's lap as she flipped through her book at a steady pace. She was, however, acutely aware of Eriks white knuckles on the top of the couch and the pulsing red aura that floated around him.

When he stormed out of the room, she swiftly closed her book, "Well, I'm off to bed! Goodnight, all." A chorus of goodnights followed her out of the door as she slowly slipped back towards her room. When she reached her door, she hastily threw her book onto her bed before knocking on Eriks door. She didn't receive an answer and entered slowly.

Erik was standing in the window sill, eyes trained outward into space. He must not have heard her enter because when he finally turned around his aura flashed a pale red, a dim to the crimson he was projecting earlier. She wasn't sure whether her presence had calmed him slightly or if he was trying to guard his emotions from her. Either way, she rose an eyebrow as she stood in the doorway.

"What are you planning to do, Erik?"

He opened his mouth to brush off her question, but her gaze hardened, willing him to tell the truth. With a sigh, Erik leant against the window sill, "Kill Shaw. There is no other way to stop him, to stop this war the humans want to start."

"You're wrong." Josie spat, feeling the red creep up from her toes to cover her body, "There are other ways of stopping him that doesn't end with another one of our kind dead."

Erik's aura flickered as he rose a single finger towards her. Her Grandmother's necklace lifted off of Josie's neck, her eyes never leaving his as he pulled her toward him by it. The necklace fell along with his hand that now slowly went to rest on the small of her back.

His gaze was soft, his lips parted slightly, his breath fanning out over her face. Erik's free hand moved to help him stand from the window before reaching toward Josie's face. She leant into his hand unconsciously, a heavy sigh of relief falling past her lips.

Erik smirked down at her, her eyes alight at the movement, but She couldn't help but whisper, "That's not fair."

He leant in, slowly coming closer than she could have ever dreamed of being. This had turned into much more than Josie simply checking up on him. Their rapid heartbeats fell into rhythm as their eyes stayed locked onto each other.

"Nothing ever is." He mumbled before capturing her lips with his.

Josie had been kissed before, many a times, but nothing could have ever prepared her for this. Erik was confident, rough in all the right ways as he held her to him and kissed her senseless.


well damn. I didn't think I'd have so many ppl read and actually ENJOY this story. to each of you that comment, thank you, know i read every single one and appreciate it more than you know. knowing someone enjoys what you write makes a WORLD of difference.
Unfortunately, part one is almost over, but i have SOOO many plans for this book. just as a heads up, this book follows Erik and Josie through first class all the way to dark phoenix in the movie franchise. basically, i hope you guys stick with it!!
thanks again and i hope you enjoyed this chapter :))

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