chapter two

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hank and raven

x CHAPTER TWO xhank and raven

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Bright and early the following morning, Josephine was pulling on her blazer and smoothing out her skirt while Moira finished fixing her hair. Josephine stared at her reflection, closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Today they were going to the off sight headquarters of the man in the black suit who Josephine had begun to call Agent Occult with Moira.

"Moira! Charles doesn't care what you look like, you've bewitched the poor man already. Please leave the bathroom so we can focus on the task at hand!" Josephine teased her friend as she opened her eyes and stood in the doorway of the bathroom.

Moira guffawed at her partner, "Oh, please, Josie. Is it so wrong for me to want to look presentable?"

Josephine laughed loudly, walking out of the doorway followed by Moira. The pair walked to the door and Josephine opened it, stopping her laugh immediately after she saw Charles mid knock and Erik standing just behind him looking bored.

"Uh... Sorry, I was just about to knock." Charles stuttered with a short embarrassed laugh.

Moira was quick to try and move around Josie to speak with him, "Oh! Sorry we-"

"Not we, she was fixing her hair for you and I am driving separate. I don't particularly feel like third wheeling again today." Josie squinted, a quick fake smile flashed in his direction before she was moving down the hallway.

She looked down at her fingers as they flashed teal as they shook slightly. The one thing about her mutation was that it manifested itself on her body. She could sense and manipulate auras in relation to emotion. The colors formed halos around everyone but herself. There was a chart she kept in her desk at her office that explained each color, teal meant she was nervous but alert.

Quick footsteps came up beside her as she quickly suppressed the colors to her toes where they freely changed with each emotional exchange. Josie turned to her left and saw a small blonde with thick bangs looking back at her.

"What's up your ass today?" Raven asked with a smirk.

Josie rolled her eyes at the younger woman, stealing a glance behind her as she asked, "I have a headache and I'd like to hurry this along. Shaw's still out there, that's dangerous."

Josie met the piercing blue eyes of Erik Lensherr and immediately faced in front of her. Raven pushed open the door, holding it for Josie who passed it on to Erik. Their hands brushed and a flash of the crimson hatred from last night flooded through her and she was quick to pull her hand from his and try to suppress the colors from her hands before anyone noticed. She hadn't been able to get it out of her head; the hatred, the pain of losing a loved one. It forced her to stay awake for most of the night.

"I'll ride with you." Raven quickly said. "I don't want to third wheel either."

Josie smiled at the girl as they made their plans known to the rest of their group. The two walked off to Josie's car to follow Moira, Charles, Erik and Agent Occult.


Raven and Josie pulled up shortly after the others but were quicker to exit. Raven stood by the door that Charles got out of, staying behind him as he walked with the others. Josie found herself at Erik's side as Agent Occult welcomed them to his facility.

The group neared the doors, Agent Occult holding it open for them all to pass through. Josie looked to Erik whose gaze was hidden beneath his shades. He gestured for her to go first with his suitcase. She offered him a small smile in thanks and quickly slipped through the doorway.

The hallways were bare save for the group and the occasional straggler. Agent Occult continued his mindless chatter, his aura glowing a blinding light purple. Josie winced, looking away and to her left where Erik was taking off his sunglasses. He glanced at her, his aura a blend of brown - restlessness - and teal - alert or nervous. Josie assumed Mr. Lehnsherr was alert more so than nervous.

He looked at her, watched her look at the space around him carefully. She finally looked at him to see his eyes on her own. He raised a careful eyebrow and she looked forward immediately to see a large plane and a man with glasses explaining, his aura teal - nervous. Agent Occult introduced him as Hank McCoy.

Charles was the first to approach, "How wonderful, another mutant already here..."

"Idiot..." Josie commented under her breath as she watched Hanks aura ice blue - fear. Erik looked down that the woman rolling her eyes beside him as Charles realized his mistake. With a furrowed brow, Erik scrutinized her.

Feeling a heavy sense of curiosity rolling off of the man beside her, Josie looked up at Erik. His aura was yellow - puzzled. "What?" Josie mouthed, gaze glancing between his eyes in a light challenge.

"How did you know?" He asked in a hushed tone. His arms were still crossed as he turned to face her fully.

Her fingers flashed ice blue in panic. She was quick to hide them behind her back as she looked away from the attractive man and his intensely mischievous gaze. "I'm not sure what you mean, Mr. Lehnsherr."

He uncrossed his arms and held himself against the railing behind him, an amused smirk playing on his lips. "You're hiding something." He stated simply, eyes trained ahead of him rather than Josie.

Josie turned on him quickly, "I am not! If anyone is, it would be you."

"Ask me anything. I have nothing to hide." Erik teased gently, his gaze flickering to her while also attempting to look as if he was paying attention to the exchange between Hank, Charles and Agent Occult.

His aura flickered between yellow and light pink - amusement or flirtation; Josie assumed it was the former of the two options given what little she knew about Erik. She didn't dare look at him again, her heart racing wildly in her chest.

The man at her side was attractive, only a fool would deny it. The way his toned muscles pulled the material of his sweater taught would make any sensible woman drool and by God was Josie enjoying the way he looked in a leather jacket. Would she let him know that? Heavens no! She was a professional, professionals don't go after coworkers. Although, Erik wasn't exactly her coworker...

Suddenly, Hank was hanging from the wing of the plane, drawing the attention of Josie who was grateful for the opportunity to leave this conversation.

"That's impressive." Josie commented as Raven got closer to Hank.

Raven looked into his eyes, "He's amazing." Josie rolled her eyes at the young girl. Everyone was suddenly loved up.

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