chapter five

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x CHAPTER FIVE xuseless

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For the first few hours, everyone was making small talk. They seemed to all genuinely click with one another which, if Josie was being honest, made her happy. The young mutants had started to warm up to Josie after she not so politely shooed off a few wise guy agents. Currently, she was over at the pinball machine with Alex or Havok as his code name stated.

"I don't know how you did that. Self isolation sounds... actually, who am I kidding. I'd kill for that." Josie spoke honestly as she watched the silver ball bounce around the machine.

Alex snickered, "Luckily for you, that's exactly how you get in there."

Josie laughed genuinely along with Alex. She had spent most of her time with him because his aura was a dull white - void or balanced. She enjoyed his easy demeanor and quick wit. He was someone she could see herself becoming friendly with.

A booming sound alerted the room, all eyes falling ti the window as Darwin noted that something didn't feel right. Josie was the first to reach the window, pulling back the curtains to reveal a calm courtyard. She had spoken too soon as Agent Occults body fell in front of the window.

Josies eyes widened and she covered her mouth in shock as the rest of the room gasped. They watched on in horror as dozens of bodies began to rain from the sky. "Okay, everybody get down!" Josie shouted as agents with semi-automatic weapons flooded by the window.

Raven started to scream as a red man stood like a crucifix where the statue used to be. Josie pulled her handgun out from its holster at her hip, aiming it at the window once it was shot down. Alex tried his best to keep her covered as the glass shattered while Darwin stood above them all protectively.

The group turned to find a tornado surrounding Cerebro, effectively destroying it. Once the red man with the tail started to kill people, Darwin took charge of the situation, "Stay here, my ass! Let's go!"

The group followed Darwin to the exit but, they were stopped by three armed guards shouting at them to get back. Josie let out a frustrated grunt and made her way back into the room, Alex and the others following once an explosion set off somewhere nearby.

Adrenaline coursed through Josie's veins as she surveyed the room, trying to think of the best way to get the mutants out of the situation. The glass window behind the group shattered and Raven launched herself into Josie's side, sobs wracking her body.

Josie tried to calm the girl but didn't have time to fully stain her aura as an older looking man entered the room with a helmet. He looked around the room curiously, eyeing every single one of them. Once satisfied, he took off his helmet and introduced himself with a smile.

"My name is Sebastian Shaw, and I am not here to hurt you."

Josie mentally rolled her eyes at the man with the emerald green - triumph - and blue-violet - confident - aura. He continued with his speech, one Josie paid little attention too as she slowly made her way to the front of the group along with Darwin and Alex. Her gun was lowered as she thought about what to do.

"Each of us will face a choice... be enslaved or rise up to rule. Choose freely but know that if you are not with us then by definition you are against us. So, you can stay and fight for the people who hate and fear you or, you can join me and live like kings...and queens." He concluded looking at Angel who seemed to ponder the idea.

Angel took a step around Josie to grasp Shaws hand as Josie protested, "Angel... you don't want to do that, trust me."

Shaw and Angel ignored her as they walked out if the window. Darwin gave a look of disbelief as he stated, "Are you kidding me?"

Angel turned, her aura pulsing a deep gray - sadness - with an outline of gold yellow - hope. "Come on," she said, "we don't belong here, and that's nothing to be ashamed of."

The group watched as she turned and left with Shaw as Raven mentioned, "We have to do something."

Josie tuned out everything else from there, focusing solely on Shaw, reading his aura, pulling it apart to find a shred of doubt to exploit and cripple him. While she did this, Darwin stepped up to distract Shaw. He shouted for Alex and Alex had everyone get out, Raven pulling Josie away, snapping her concentration.

The teens ducked as Alex had large red rings emanating from his body. He swung around like he was trying to balance a hoola-hoop, aiming for Shaw. Josie widened her eyes, yelling, "Alex, don't!"

It was too late, Alex had already shot Shaw who absorbed the energy ring easily. She stood up beside Alex concentrating again on Shaws emotions. She lost control, however, she felt her body turn a deep blue-violet - concentration - as she picked apart Shaws aura.

He felt her through his helmet, knew it was no use against her empathic mutation but, still continued to go towards Darwin with his newfound energy. He pushed through the intense waves of disgust and nauseous knot in his stomach as he opened Darwins mouth and dropped the ball of energy into it, whispering, "Adapt to this."

"No!" Josie screamed along with Raven as Alex fought to hold her back. It was moments like these that she wished she had her gun, the one knocked out if her hands by Raven when she pushed her down to safety from Alex's energy beams.

The group watched in horror as Darwins body convulsed, pulsing into different forms, his aura stained ice blue - fear - as he exploded into gravel. Josie covered her mouth in horror, her body instantly flashing the same color as Darwins aura. She felt tears leak from her eyes as she looked at Alex who had a look of pain written on his face.

Raven cried into Hanks chest as Josie could do nothing but stare at the pile of rocks that was once Darwin.

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