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I finished putting my books together. Yamaguchi was waiting beside my desk. He looked excited.

"You ready (L/n)?"

I nodded.

He led me through the maze of the school, ending at our destination, gym number two. He told me that he needed to change but that I could go ahead and head on in.

I watched him head up the stairs, then give me a wave before going in to change. I turned and made my way inside of the gym. Once I got inside I stepped over to the right, away from the entrance, so I wasn't blocking the way. I leaned against the wall, getting excited to see the volleyball practice. Even though I wasn't the one playing I was excited to see the team work together.

Kageyama walked into the gym, only to stop dead in his tracks when he saw me. I turned to look at him. He took a few small steps closer to me, not sure if he was seeing things correctly. Kageyama stared down at me, the tips of his ears turning pink.

"(L/n)-san." He mumbled. Not expecting to see you standing there.

I gave him a small wave.

I didn't know that he's a part of the club. I wonder what position he plays.

"I- uh- what are you doing here?" He stuttered out.

I pulled out your phone and typed, showing him the screen.

Yamaguchi invited me to watch practice when he found out I liked volleyball.

His eyes widened.

"You like volleyball?" He asked like he couldn't believe it.

I nodded and gave him a smile.

He opened his mouth to say something, but no words came out. Just then Tsukishima walked in, staring at the scene before him, and chuckled.

"Does the King not know how to talk to girls?" He said as he walked past.

Kageyama glared at him.

"I uh... um, thank you for the milk earlier." He said then ran to the end of the court. I just looked at him, silently laughing at his antics.

Unbeknownst to you, a certain blond heard his comment. He turned to look at you, glaring. 

I was still smiling but stopped when I saw the look he was giving me. I lifted a brow at him in confusion.

"Giving away other people's gifts, lame." He said, turning and walking away.

Before I could do anything, I got knocked down to the ground. I looked around, utterly confused as to what just happened. I looked up to see a small brunette with a blond streak staring at me.

"THERE'S A GODDESS!" He shouted, flailing his arms around. I looked about, trying to figure out what he was talking about. When I turned back around to look at the boy, I saw an outstretched hand instead. I looked up to see Sugawara in front of me.

"Need a hand?" He asked with a smile. I nodded, grabbing onto his hand. He pulled me up and I smiled at him.

"You okay (L/n)?" 

I gave him another nod.

"What happened?" He asked as I brushed off my skirt. I just shrugged. I pulled out my phone and typed.

I was standing against the wall...then I wasn't.

He nodded, his aura growing dark as he turned around to face the blond streaked boy who was still yelling about some goddess.

"Nishinoya." He said menacingly, taking a step forward. I peeked around Sugawara to see the smaller boy gulp. It was then that I realized that happened. He had knocked me over.

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