Technodad Prison Pog

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A/N not proud of this one but Im going through my drafts before writing more stuff

Five months. Exactly five months since Technoblade gave him the book and left. Surely it's been long enough for him to worry. Of course Techno's disappeared or hybirnated for a while before but it's usually only two or three months and he'll send a letter if it's any longer. So obviously since he knows that Techno isn't hibernating then something terribly bad has happened. Something so bad that he put the book on the coffee table and started pacing the room.

Maybe he just got lost- no Techno doesn't get lost. Maybe theres been a holdup and he'll be back later- no he would've sent a letter or something. Why hasn't the crow returned? Did it die with him? No he didnt die. Technoblade never dies... right? Of course. It's Techno. He wouldn't just die. But what if...

Fuck it.

Phil walked to the book and carefully picked it up. He ran his finger down the spine and looks at the words written on the cover. Techno's Will. Definitely not something your son would give you if he expected a normal visit to a prison that holds one of the most insane people. Maybe he knew he was going to... yea.

Tommy was having fun. Him and Ranboo were building a house on Wilbur's new land and he hasn't seen the brunet since that morning. So of course he asked Ranboo to help him build a house, not thinking about how bad both of them are at building. But they were having fun and being kids for the first time in a while. Then he got a message from Philza Minecraft.

He looked at the message in confusion before asking if it was meant for Ranboo. He looked at the ender hybrid who was oblivious to why he had stopped working on the wall. He got the same message again. Then an add on. He shrugged and put his communicator back in his pocket.

"Gonna have to call this short big man. Say hi to Tubbo and Michael for me, yea?" He jumped down and waved while walking towards the main portal. Tommy jumped through the nether until he got to the arctic portal. He pulled his thin sleeves over his hands while he stepped through and walked towards the familiar house.

"Phil!" The teen screamed when he entered the house. He smiled and looked around. "Old man? Where you at?" He heard sniffling come from the living room. The blond walked through the house until he found the man on the floor reading some book. Emotional much. "What's up Phil?" The man looked up at him before holding the book out.

Tommy, very confused, grabbed it and looked it over. Techno's Will? That doesn't sound very good. Why would he even write a will? He shrugged the thoughts and confusion away as he opened it and read it over. He looked at Phil and nervously laughed.

"This isn't very funny Phil. Are you guys trying to prank me or something?" The blond man stood up and put his hands on the boys shoulders.

"Tommy. Tommy. Techno's gone."

The world was put on pause. Everything was silent. The crows stopped cawing, the raccoons stopped chittering, the snow stopped falling. Then it all crashed down. Tommy smiled and looked at the other blond. Phil looked completely serious. That's not a good thing. Phil pulled him closer to a sort of hug but all Tommy could do was push him away and laugh.

"This isn't a funny thing to joke about Phil. Where is he? Is he gonna pop up behind me or something? Techno! Techno you can come out!"


"No! Tech you can come out now! Dad?" He was pulled into another hug. This time he let the man wrap his arms around him for more than a second before he pushed away. Tommy frowned and threw the book down. He stormed out of the house bumping into Wilbur on the way out. The brunet looked at him confused before turning to his dad.

Tommy smiled as he walked back to his house. He smiled through the arctic, and the nether, he smiled as he walked down the path not bothering to wave to the others that he saw. He smiled and threw open the doors of his house and dug out the chest he kept his armour and weapons in. He smiled as he put everything on and held the axe that belonged to the piglin. And he smiled as he walked the way to the prison.

He saw the questioning stares from the people near the path and heard them call his name trying to figure out what he was doing. He ignored them all until he heard the voice of the man that let him and Ghostbur die.


"No it's Mary Poppins. Let me in Sam."

"Tommy you know you're not allowed near the prison."

"Let me rephrase that." He cleared his voice and held the sword to his chest. "Let me in. Or it's my blood on your walls... again. And a small reminder that Tubbo has nukes."



He heard a machine before the portal appeared. He smiled and walked in. Then through another portal until he was face to face with the warden. He scowled and waited for the door to open.

"Tommy I can't just let you in. You know this."

"Then I'll do it." He walked past the warden to the desk of buttons and levers. He groaned in frustration before finding the one he was looking for. The creeper man watched the boy but didnt dare try stopping him. He couldn't. He knew he needed to but couldn't bring himself to stop the boy. He watched as the boy angrily walked through door after door while he followed only a few meters behind. Until they got to the lava wall.

Tommy angirly glared at the wall while he flipped a lever. The lava came down. Slowly. Too slow for his liking. He needed to see that masked bastard. The only person that could do what Tommy wanted to happen. And he was going to do everything he could to make sure that happened.

Sam watched the boy scream at the lava. The lava was coming down. Slowly. Too slow. The boy punched at the wall and glared at the lava until a sliver of darkness shone through the bright light. The blond welcomed the darkness and watched the lava disappear from the wall. He flipped a lever and ran to the moving bridge. He didnt dare look up.

Until he did.




He scowled at the masked man and ran to the piglin that was sat on a bell. Of fucking course he brought a bell in the prison. He punched at the piglins chest and finally let the tears fall. The masked man looked at the pair confused but also very pleased. Technoblade looked down at the blond very confused.

"Don't fucking do that again you piece of shit! I hate you! Do you know how worried I was? Of course you don't! You bitch!" His punching slowed and he held onto the piglins shirt. "I was so worried. Technoblade never dies. My dad isn't suppose to die." Then it clicked in Techno's head. The will. Has he really been gone that long?

"Dad?" He turned to the masked man and glared at him. How dare he interrupt his very important realizations. Wait- Tommy hasn't called him that in years. He looked back at the crying boy and wrapped his arms around him. "No. You can't just ignore me. What the fuck?"

"I'm here bubba. I'm sorry for worrying you. At least you know you're in my will." The boy let out a small laugh.

"You literally just told me to petsit Steve until you crawled out of the afterlife."

"That polar bear is your brother."

"Gross. First Floof now Steve. I don't regret saying I hate you. And since I know you're alive I'm gonna go and leave you here. Wilbur's probably already moving in."

"Cross that out and tell him he gets the ravager thing. He'll know what I'm talking about." Tommy flipped him off and walked back to the moving bridge. Right before the lava fell he whispered something.

"Love you."

"Love Warrior too."


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