villain dadnoblade

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A/N *climbs onto rooftop* VILLAIN AU! *throws off roof*

"So... what you're saying is... you can't make it. Because you have a date?" Techno rubbed his head and glared at the phone in front of him.

"Yeah, sorry man. I can call Velvet or Finn if this thing is that urgent but I can't make it."

Techno sighed and moved his hand to pinch his glabella. He shook his head and looked back at the phone. "It's fine, good luck on your date."

"Okay man, if you say so. Tell Toms I'm sorry I can't babysit him."

"Mhm. Bye Skep." He pressed the red button and leaned back in his chair. He sighed again and looked in the general direction of the playroom. Sure he probably could've had Finnster or Velvet babysit but would he be able to call himself a responsible parent if he let that happen? No. No he would not. So it's not going to happen. And because Techno is a responsible parent, he'll just take Tommy to the meeting filled with totally responsible people. It's about time his coworkers met his son.

He nodded to himself deciding that he wouldn't think about it anymore in fear of doubting himself and changing his mind. He stood up, grabbed his phone, and made his way to the playroom. He opened the door seeing the seven year old playing with one of his many minecraft lego sets that he forced Techno to buy (damn his puppy eyes). He smiled softly and knocked on the open door. The child turned to him and smiled. He set down the legos and turned so he was sat facing Techno. "Hi dad, when's uncle Skeppy coming?"

"Hi bug." Techno walked into the room and kneeled down to a little over the kids height and smiled. "Uncle Skeppy isn't coming to play with you today." The kid frowned and glared at him as if Techno had full control over what the diamond bastard does with his life. "Hey bug, don't look at me like that, we're gonna have a lot of fun without him. Y'know why?" Tommy shook his head. "You're coming with me to work." Tommy hummed and shook his head. Techno looked at him confused.

"Your works boring. Why can't I go to Tubbzo's or Beau's house?"

"Because I don't trust Schlatt to watch you after what happened last time and Beau's parents said your two were a general menace to their house and won't watch you two there anymore." Tommy crossed his arms and pouted. "And don't even ask about Drista or Purpled. And you know Ranboo's mothers banned you from coming within two hundred feet of their house."

"It wasn't even that bad." Tommy mumbled. Techno rolled his eyes and ran his hand through Tommy's hair.

"Get ready. You can take your switch if you promise to behave." Tommy flopped backwards onto the ground and nodded. "We're leaving in fifteen minutes."

Tommy was buckled in the back seat of Techno's black dodge challenger playing animal crossing while they drove to the meeting location. They were listening to a band they both enjoyed, Lovejoy, currently Concrete and Perfume from their second EP happened to be their favorite songs. Techno turned down another street tapping the steering wheel while Tommy sang along to the lyrics. He should really get Tommy enrolled into some vocal lessons, maybe his kid could be some famous singer someday, if he doesn't get involved in the "family business" that is.

The parking garage was mostly empty, the only other cars belonging to people that worked in this building late at night or his own coworkers. Techno adjusted the mask on his face as he parked and mentally prepared himself for the utter bullshit this meeting is going to be. He slid his keys into a secret pocket and got out of the car. He opened Tommy's door and quickly unbuckled the child. He placed the switch into another pocket while the strawberry blond climbed onto his back. "Onward!" Tommy giggled as his dad started walking towards the elevator. "We should watch Onward when we get home!"

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