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A/N requested by vocal-gay-writer Im not good at writing winged fics so we'll see how this goes :)
edit: Im so sorry this took so long, honestly I forgot about this for a while but I did finish it :D

Technoblade was never prepared to be a father. He never signed up to parent a duck hybrid. He never wanted to be in one place with a child that needed more attention than he was willing to give to anything. But he didn't regret bringing the duck hybrid with eyes that reflected the skys and hair as beautiful as gold into his home. He was able to guess the kid was some sort of avian pretty quickly but figured it was a duck hybrid after its first "birthday" (aka the day Techno found it). Technoblade has known many avians throughout his travels and was able to tell a duck hybrid from a chicken or elytrian pretty well.

He accommodated his home for the kid pretty early into finding it but only expected it to stay for a month or two at most. But months turn into years and soon it was the kids first "birthday", then his second, and soon it will be his third. This was when he started worrying. He knew when avian wings started to grow but he didn't know the kids exact age or birthday. He was also never able to listen to what they needed as the wings grew. He was never excited for the day the kids wings grew in and as it became closer by the second he started storing more potions and things he assumes would be needed for the painful process.

"Dad..." When did the kid start calling him dad? He thinks it was his first word but he doesnt know where he got it from, Techno never referred to himself as the kids dad. "Sam-which?" He looked down at the kid and smiled softly.

"Sure." The toddler smiled and motioned for himself to be picked up. Techno huffed and obliged. He carried the child to the kitchen and started preparing two sandwiches for them. "Juice?" He nodded and Techno set him down on the countertop. He grabbed two cups from the cupboard and set them beside him.

"Dad quack."

"Tommy quack." That was another thing Techno didn't know when it started. He remembers talking to the kid about ducks after he begged him to talk about his copy-animal but doesn't remember when copying "quacks" became a thing for them. He isn't complaining nor is he going to stop anytime soon but he occasionally questions when it started. But "dad quacks" were their thing and they both liked it enough to randomly do it. He shook his head and grabbed the container of apple juice to poor into the cups.

"Story?" The kid nodded and grabbed his cup and both sandwiches. Techno picked him and his cup up and brought them to the sitting room. The duck hybrid set down his cup and handed the sandwiches to his dad and ran to the bookshelf. He grabbed a familiar worn-out book from the second shelf and ran back to Techno. The piglin set the kid on his lap and opened the book to begin reading. "The night Max wore his wolf suit-"

Towards the end of he book Technoblade started noticing Tommy fidgeting and quietly whistling. He set down the book and adjusted him to sit on his knee facing him. His chest started rumbling and he pulled him closer. The duckling whistled and whined into Techno's chest. Techno leaned back and started to adjust the kid to be actually laying on his chest when he felt it. Tommy's wings were growing in. He grunted small reassurances and comforting words in piglin while he carefully adjusted the kid and stood up. He walked them back to his room.

He laid the duck hybrid between the pillows and hurried to grab more blankets and the potions he had stored. He also grabbed towels for the blood and a few of Tommy's favorite stuffed toys (assuming he wouldn't be clinging to Techno the whole time) (that assumption is wrong btw). Techno hurried back to the room and sat on the bed. He pulled his son into his lap and made sure not to touch his back. He carefully grabbed a healing potion and soaked a small rag in it.

"You have to take your shirt off, sunshine, I know it hurts right now but I have something that will make it hurt less. Can you do that for me?" Tommy mumbled something into his chest but sat up and took off his shirt. He whined and whistled making Techno almost regret it. It hurt to see his son suffer and if he could permanently take away the pain while the wings grew. Unfortunately there's no technology or magic to do that yet. Instead he could only dad the healing potion where the wings were growing in and listen to his sons cries.

---I cant write pain so skip ig---

Techno threw the last of the bloodied rags into the trash and washed his hands. He hated that. Hopefully Tommy wasn't going to grow feathers, not as much pain as the wings but it would still be annoying. Even if he did grow feathers it wouldn't be for another few years. Avians are weird. Techno sighed and returned to the room to see his son asleep in the nest-like blanket fort he had created. He smiled and sat down. The toddler chirped but stayed asleep. He smiled and laid next to his son. He didn't want to think about how crazy the kids instincts would be after he woke up, or how he would teach the kid to fly next year, or how Phil would react to not only Techno having a kid but having an avian kid and not telling him.

That was too much to think about and Technoblade was tired. So instead he laid the kid on his chest and pulled a blanket over them. Later Tommy would wake up and he won't leave Techno's side for weeks. And Techno will just deal with it because he loves his son. "Goodnight my little duckling." His duckling. His little golden baby duck.

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