osmp bunny dadnoblade

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A/N DAYS after I post the human technodad osmp. I hate him /j

How can a rabbit hybrid have an avian son you may ask? Well hopefully you're not asking because if you do they will just not answer. Don't judge someone's family. That's rude. But if they were to answer your question they would say the mother was an elytrian and the father was a rabbit. Also the child is not actually an avian. He inherited the wings of his mother but is not yet old enough to actually fly so most just assume he's an avian. Looking older than he actually is doesn't help peoples opinions.

He was never really proud of his origin either. He chose to hide his ears and tail from the world. He passed pretty well as human and less people said anything about a human and an avian, the comments never completely stopped but there were definitely less. His son seemed oblivious to the comments though. The half rabbit half elytrian kid would hopefully grow up staying oblivious to the worlds judgement.

When he was ten his father, Technoblade, let him go to the village by himself. This was a common occurance and Technoblade thought nothing of it, the kid is old enough to walk around the village he's lived in his whole life. Everyone there knew them and they knew everyone there. It's not like it was a popular village and there were random travelers or tourists showing up. At least that's what he thought until that day. He expected his son to return before sunset. Before the villagers rang the bell for curfew. Before he started to worry that something must've happened.

Thomas was fine. Nora probably just stopped him to chat and lost track of time. Yeah. That's it. He's with the villagers.

Techno ran out of his burrow in the outskirts of the village. He knocked on every door asking if anyone knew where his son was. Some villagers shook their heads, some pointed him to others, and some recounted seeing the kid playing with the other children. Finally someone told him something he could use to track down Thomas. It didn't make him worry less, it actually made him more worried. The blacksmith, Sky if he remembered their name correctly, recounted seeing a stranger, an elytrian with large grey wings and a veil covering their face, talking to Thomas. Thomas seemed uncomfortable but before Orion could do anything they were gone.

Techno thanked the blacksmith and ran back to his burrow. He packed bags of food and supplies and spent the whole night looking at maps trying to figure out where the elytrian would've gone. His son was kidnapped. He promised he'd protect the boy. He's a horrible father. He should've never let Thomas go unsupervised. He was just a kit. Someone stole his kit. They kidnapped his son. He was going to find them and he was going to get back his son no matter the cost or how long it takes. He left before dawn determined to get his son back.

Years passed. Techno nearly gave up. He almost quit. Until he heard of a community of hybrids of all kinds. Bees, enders, merlings, and phantoms alike. He wasn't that interested until he heard that their "leader" was an elytrian. He wasn't completely confident that this was the elytrian that took his son but perhaps they would know one by the brief description he had and could point him in the right direction. He hoped they could help. He wanted his son. His boy. He promised to keep him safe. The kid could be dead for all he knows, the kid could've been dead a long time ago, but he has hope. And a sword so he could avenge him if he is dead.

He met with an inchling that brought him to the community, helped him make a place to stay. Told him that most of the community had went on a trip and wouldn't return for the next few days. The inchling, Sneeg, introduced him to the hybrids that stayed behind, an avian by the name of Beau, a blaze named Jack, and a merling going by Niki. They welcomed him, though he had said multiple times he may not be staying for long. They were nice. They told him about the other members of the "origins esempii".

There was an ender that acted like a spoiled prince, a bee that often ate a bit too much pollen, a fox that had a habit of stealing and the starborn he stole the most from, a phantom that promised to bring Niki to the nether some day, a slime with a bit too much goop, another avian with a loud mouth but a love of moss, the elytrian Techno had heard of before, and a spider that occasionally visited.

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