apple tree

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A/N inspired by Wilburs apple tree story he told on stream. twins duo + their sons

"You're going to get hurt."

"I am not. We've been climbing this tree forever."

"And you fall every time."

"I do not."

"They're going to end up copying you and if Tommy gets hurt it's gonna be your head on a stick." Wilbur rolled his eyes and grabbed another apple from the branch. He dropped it into the basket and smiled down at his twin and the two children. "You're a terrible aim." The brunet flipped him off and sat on the branch.

"Da! Da!" Wilbur looked to the tree base to see the little fox hybrid looking back up at him. He smiled and waved. "Da!" The baby giggled and looked at the tree. Techno sighed and moved the basket to reach his nephew.

"C'mon sprout, go back to playing with Tommy." Fundy giggled as Techno bounced him before placing him in the grass next to Tommy. The blond smiled and reached into the basket. He pulled out an apple and handed it to the baby. Fundy looked at it with pure wonder before trying to bite it. "No Toms, Fundy can't eat apples yet."


"Because he doesn't have strong teeth."


"Because he's eleven months old."

"Why?" Techno sighed and ruffled his sons hair. Toddlers ask too many meaningless questions. Wilbur smiled from the tree and tossed another apple in the basket. Techno grabbed it and pulled a knife from what appeared to be thin air. He carefully cut the apple into thin slices and handed them to the children. Fundy knawed at the slice while Tommy silently chewed on his. Techno smiled and laid in the grass.

Wilbur dangled his legs off the branch and looked down at his family. He bit into the apple he just pulled off the tree and immediately recoiled. Bad apple. Terrible rotten apple. He tossed it away intending for it to land on the ground away from his brother and the children. Unfortunately the gods were not on his side.

A loud wail startled the twins making them both turn to the child. Tommy was holding his head with an apple only a foot away from him. Techno rushed to pick him up and attempt to calm him. He glared up at Wilbur but turned to the baby when it started screaming with Tommy. Wilbur jumped down, almost straining his ankle again, and scooped up his son.

"Hey Fun, hey I'm here. Tommy's alright bud, everyone's alright." He rocked the baby slowly calming him down while Techno calmed down his own son. Techno kissed the kids head where the apple had hit him and whispered small reassurances to his ear. Wilbur wasn't really focusing on them, he was busy with his own child. Fundy's cries turned into silent sniffles and Wilbur happily sighed. He grabbed an apple and decided to distract Fundy with that.

Wilbur gently set the fox hybrid down by the basket and smiled. Right before being tackled by his brother. The tumbled around for a bit before laying down next to each other breathing heavily. Wilbur was already feeling bruises that would form later. A tiny war cry came up and Techno felt a weight land on his ribs. They turned to see Tommy holding onto Fundy as they worked together to "beat up" Technoblade. Wilbur laughed and gained the attention of the toddler and baby. The baby laughed and continued hitting his uncle while Tommy toddler to Wilbur and started beating his chest.

"I yield!" The brunet laughed and picked up the toddler. He used his feet and hands to boost the half-piglin into the sky. Tommy laughed and was gently set down. The twins traded children and handed the boys back to their own fathers. "Little champion and tiny warrior. They're going to kill us one day Tech, we're going to be betrayed by our own kids."

"Is that right? So we got little Oedipus copycats? Hopefully they won't marry their mothers." Techno ran his hand through the tiny blond locks of his sons hair and smiled fondly. "Of course, Tommy Theseus Careful Danger Kraken Icarus Innit Soot Blade Craft won't. As his birth mother is probably dead or long gone by now. But I'd make sure the little sprout knows who his mother is if I were you." Wilbur rolled his eyes and raised his son in the air.

"I'm sure Fun Jonatahan Micahel Vincent Georgina James Sus Dy-Soot knows who his mother is. The most beautiful women I've ever had the privilege of meeting and proposing to and the best mother my little champion could ever have." He smiles fondly at the thought of his fiancée. Techno fake gagged and chuckled. The two were truly terrible when it came to naming children. And pets. And anything in general. One of the things that made it believable that they were related.

"Do not end up like your uncle. Love is truly disgusting." Tommy giggled and stuck out his tongue. Techno smiled proudly and playfully glared at his twin. Wilbur lazily slapped his arm after laying Fundy on his chest. They laid like that for a while. They joked and talked and it was much more calm than it had been moments ago. Eventually it devolved into a comfortable quietness with Fundy playing either flowers, Tommy softly singing a children's song in piglin, and the twins looking at the clouds and branches of the apple tree swaying with the soft breeze.

"There's my favorite boys. 'Nd Wilbur." The sweet voice of a salmon shapeshifter peirced the air. Techno chuckled and stuck his tongue out at Wilbur. The red-head lady leaned down and kissed the brunets forehead. "Kristen and I 'ave been waitin' for 'ese apples for hours now. We need the apples to make the pies you begged us to make. But 'ere you are messing around in the grass. I thought ye' boys had died."

"Sorry love, we'll be back in a few minutes." Techno sat up and stretched while the couple continued talking. Sally picked up Fundy and walked back down the hill to their family house with the other three following minutes later. Their mother was not pleased finding a small bruise forming on her grandsons head, their father laughed at the twins grass stained clothes.

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