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A/N *crawls out of ground* *throws* be fed *retreats*

Y'know, when Techno said he'd never become a father he truly thought he would never become a father. But then Tommy came along and he lost five diamonds to his twin. He got it back when Fundy was born but that isn't the point. As Tommy grew up Techno became sure that he would never become a grandfather. Because Tommy was never really interested in people in general. He liked being around animals and plants more than being around people. And he did not like babies. He made that very clear when Fundy was born. So Techno was never worried about becoming a grandfather.

Tommy knew about his fathers distaste for becoming a grandfather. He always said it would make him feel old. Tommy countered this by saying his age whenever it was brought up and Techno usually groaned and complained about getting old. It was very amusing. Almost as amusing as when he says Phil is old. But back on topic. Tommy truly didn't think he would ever be a parent. He didn't like babies, he never thought of himself raising anyone, he rather have pets. Even fighting in the wars he tended to surround himself in animals more than humans. But then Tubbo and Ranboo got a kid.

He doesn't have anything against Michael, the kids alright. But he did feel better filling an uncle role more than anything. The kid adores him and he likes the kid. A zombie piglin, and being the only one that could actually speak piglin in their friend group, he found it easy to talk to the kid. But after Michael he found himself babysitting Foolish's kids, and after Foolish's kids he found himself babysitting Puffy's daughter, and after Puffy daughter he found himself babysitting Slimecicle. He became a babysitter and he wasn't mad about it. The children (including Slime) were all amazing and loved when he came to babysit.

He found his distaste for children shrinking everyday. It was disgusting. But he couldn't help but grow a soft spot. They were cute and behaved rather well for him. He still told himself he would never be a father but he was fine being "Uncle Mimi" for these kids. That was all he needed to be. Tommy would be the strong uncle that helped protect the kids from the wars and fighting, he would be the fun uncle that played with them and gave them candy, he would be the responsible uncle unlike most adults on the server could've been, Tommy loves these kids and he will be whatever they need him to be. And if being an uncle is what they needed of him, then he would happily hold the title above his head.

Then he met Shroud.

A spider-shifter. The kid was hurt and stuck in their spider form when Tommy found them. He brought them to his house and helped them heal. He gave them new clothes (they were Michael's clothes that he left there) and fed them when they were able to shift back after a few days. He gave them a name. Shroud. It was perfect. He became so easily attached to the kid as if he had learned nothing about attachments over the years. He told himself not to get attached so easily but could you blame him? Shroud was so polite and playful and curious about everything. Tommy loved them and before he knew it, everything he every told himself about being a parent was gone and he decided Shroud was his child.

Most people he told were happy for him and his nieces and nephews seemed excited to have another child to drag into their mischief. Tubbo fell into the "fun uncle" role easily and Tommy almost immediately regretted letting his best friend babysit when he walked in on Tubbo showing the kids blueprints for a nuke. Almost. He was actually very intrigued about how Tubbo managed to make an explosive that powerful. Puffy was happy to find out about Shroud, she loved children and absolutely adored the young spider-shifter. Shroud loved the attention they were receiving from people and loved their dad.

Unfortunately this happiness was shot down when Wilbur decided to pay Tommy a random visit on what seemed like a perfectly normal day. Tommy was in the kitchen preparing lunch while Shroud played with the toys Eret gave them in the sitting-room. The bastard didn't knock either, he just walked in and called for the blond. Tommy groaned and quickly washed his hands before walking out to find his uncle staring directly at the confused spider child. "Are you babysitting again? I don't recognize this one." Tommy rolled his eyes and picked up his child.

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