Summer Love

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Clothes were scattered all over the floor. You were in my arms sleeping peacefully and I just stared at you in awe, I had such a beautiful woman right here with me on the bed. I wish you'd stay in my arms forever but I can only dream.

Just then, you opened your eyes slowly and smiled at me lovingly. Your eyes held such pain and tears were slowly starting to form but I kissed your lips passionately to ease the pain. It did, you kissed me back  and held my face a little longer to savor loving kisses. I love you.

You reluctantly let go of my face and get up to start packing your clothes. I closed my eyes and listened to the sound of your movements. Drawers opened, clothes piling up on the bed, personal things gathered together and the sound of the zipper of your suitcase.

I then looked at you and my heart clenched at what I saw. You were trying so hard not to cry while packing up your stuff. Reality then hit me, you were leaving. You were leaving me while you are going back to your life in South Korea. It's the only way. I had no other choice. I can't go with you for personal reasons. I also couldn't let you stay here with me because that would be too selfish of me although you disagreed. I'm sorry for not giving you the real reason. I can't, that's why I chose to let you go.

I got up and helped you with the rest of your things. We didn't speak to each other but we didn't ignore each other's presence. I placed your suitcase in the car and was about to close it when your warm hand held my wrist. You pulled me in for a long, tight hug that I reciprocated back, squeezing you gently and resting my head on top of yours.

"I promise I won't forget everything. I'll always remember the memories we had together and most importantly you, Rosie."

I wasn't able to reply when you loosen our hug and didn't waste time to smashed your lips on mine. Your soft plump lips connected to mine. It felt so right. Everything was there. All the emotions you were trying to convey were all there. I felt your love and pain at the same time. The last kiss I'll ever receive from you and the kiss that brought back the shared moments we made for the whole summer.




"Carry me to the beach."

"You could've just asked me instead of jumping on my back out of nowhere. We both could've fallen on the ground, you know?"

"At least you're there with me when I fall."

"To the beach, it is."

That laugh of yours never fails to make me weak.


"Roseanne Park."

"Why are you saying my full name? What did I do?"

"You know what you did."

"Uhm, I'm not even doing anything?"

"Exactly, you're not doing anything yet you still manage to look magnificent just sitting there."

"Wifey, I'm literally in front of you."

"I know, now may I go back to staring at you?"

"Or we can get ice cream."

"Really?! Let's go now."

"Sure– wait, Jen. Wear some clothes for goodness sake!"

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