I Wish That Was Me

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You were standing at the front of your house, looking forward for the day. You were all smiley and I can see pink tint coated on your soft cheeks. You were wearing a brown sweater that I intentionally put in your closet after the sleepover and loose jacket that made you look so small. In your hand, you held pink roses, sniffing their scent every now and then. The smile grew as you stare at him lovingly.

Strike 2

How I wish I was in his place giving you a sweet smile and flowers. But no, I'm here at my bedroom window watching you walk away with him delicately holding your hand. I received a text from you that he was walking you to school. That sight and message just ruined my morning without you realizing it.

Strike 3

It was lunch, I was on my way on the assigned class you were in to pick you up. We always went together get lunch since forever but that changed today. I froze on my spot when you both hugged each other on the doorway like you both were in your little world. Your cat eyes caught my presence and you leaped towards my direction and gave me a friendly hug. Huh, I never thought that word hurt til he came into your life.

Strike 4

What a sore loser and a masochist I am. Being the third wheel, sitting next to the secret couple who happily announced the news to everyone who were shocked and ignoring the growing ache on my chest. You two really are the definition of couple goals. The way you treat each other makes me want to punch the guts out of him but I can't. He's a good person who deserves you. How I wish I confessed to you sooner than hearing you mention him that night.

Flashback (Sleepover)

We were on your comfy bed watching a movie "The Space Between Us" for the nth time but I can never complain when it comes to you. You're my weakness and at the same time, my strength.

You were too focused on what was happening on the screen while I was shamelessly staring at you with longing eyes. I must have spaced out when you suddenly waved your hands at me that made me clear my throat.

"W-what were you saying?" You chuckled at my nervous state and paused the movie. You then looked at me with soft eyes that made my knees fell weak. "I was saying how Gardner really loves Tulsa that he went to Earth just to see her despite his heart condition..." I stayed silent and let you continue, "She was his first and only friend and later on, they became lovers. Even though the time they spent together was short, they made every single moment worth it. Gardner was able to learn a lot of things thanks to Tulsa's guidance."

I was still confused and I didn't know what to do, "The love they had for each other was pure. They helped one another on finding his father when the answer was just in front of them the whole time. But I guess thanks to that, they were able to have a fun journey discovering their favorite things on earth." You smiled genuinely and I couldn't help but agree, "They really do deserve each other and I'm happy Tulsa is gonna follow him to Mars."

The first strike.

I should've noticed it before I said yes to your invitation. I should've noticed when you called me with uneasiness. I should've noticed your cautious movements. But I didn't. Why? I was too busy falling in love with you and the plan of telling you those three words that I've been dying to tell are out of the picture now.

"You're following him to New Zealand, aren't you?" I guess you didn't expect for me to ask that question and connect all the dots together that quick. You looked at me with worry and pity. I swiftly tore my eyes away not wanting to see that expression. I managed to plaster a fake big smile to congratulate you on that decision.

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