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I smiled from afar seeing a familiar blonde waiting outside my workplace. Just at the perfect timing, she turned around and immediately, a wide smile made its way to her face while waving her hand excitedly at my direction.

I skippily ran towards her with my gummy smile on display. I jumped into her arms when I was inches near her, making her grunt in surprise. She chuckled at my antic before placing a loving kiss on my awaiting lips.

I giggled before cupping her cheeks, rewarding her with smooches all over her face leaving my lipstick stain on the corner of her lips. Her face was crimson red but the cheeky grin on her face was evident.

"I miss you very much."

"I miss you too. Here, I brought a jacket with me. I don't want you to go freezing all night."

I watched her arms travel behind me as I spread my arms and let myself be absorbed in the comfort of the jacket, smiling at how gentle and caring she is. I let out a satisfied sigh as I ran my fingers through the smooth fabric, smelling her fragrance.

Her sparkly orbs met mine, taking a step forward and encircling her arms around my waist making me do the same. Her warm body was glued to mine and not long after, multiple pecks were placed on the side of my head as she squeezed my waist. I pressed my face on her chest, her heart's beating at a steady rhythm. We stayed in that position for a few minutes before we let our feet guide us to our spot.

She drew me closer to her figure, placing a lingering kiss behind my ear. I closed my eyes as she whispered her love for me so delicately that she wouldn't want anyone else to hear the declaration but me.

We continued strolling side by side, surrounded by the sounds of vehicles speeding up, people passing by, and the illumination of the lights from the buildings. It's a busy city, and it's lovely to see it bustle, but I was too fixated of staring at her recherché and celestial side profile to notice anything else.

Moonstruck by her statuesque features, I paused my steps, almost making her stumble at my sudden movement. She casted a bewildered expression yet it was balanced with a concerned one. I softly shook my head and brought my palms to her cheeks, sealing our lips for a passionate kiss.

I could feel her stiffening, but she didn't hesitate to kiss me back, her actions matching mine. I opened my eyes to see her swollen lips and a puff of air flowing out of her mouth after we slowly moved apart from each other. As I realized I had given her a searing kiss in public, my cheeks turned into bright crimson. Her musical laughter resonated in my ears as I hid in the crook of her neck, and it only increased to my blush.

"I love you, wifey."

A surge of warm sensation swept over my entire body. Her fingers making its way to my nape, gently caressing my baby hair. I snuggled closer, my lips meeting her pulsepoint. With her embracing me into her arms so securely and lovingly despite the chilliness, I knew my home was here with me.

My words got lodged in my throat when I felt a droplet on my forehead. I peered up at the sky and noticed droplets of rain falling on us. My mind was too distracted to notice the rain getting heavier not until I felt a tug on my hand and before I knew it, I was being dragged away. I smiled, absolutely sure that she will always be there to lead and guide me wherever I go.


Rosie's POV

Jennie had always been fascinated by rain, and I knew she wouldn't mind being showered with glittering droplets. But, because I didn't want my love to get sick, I dragged her away while tightening my grip on her and making sure the jacket was adequately shielding her. We ended up staying at a waiting shed which made me relieved that we weren't completely saturated.

I placed my palm on my forehead, scolding myself for not bringing an umbrella with me. I should've checked the weather for today if it ended up like this, slightly ruining my walk night with the love of my life. I was extremely being distraught of how the night turned out when suddenly, I heard a giggle beside me.

She had her hand protruding from the waiting shed, causing raindrops to splash against her small palm. Her gummy smile widened as the water made contact with her palm, and her toes tiptoed as she raised her hand higher. That sight alone was enough to shove those irrelevant thoughts aside, and I knew the night had only just begun.

We didn't want to end the night so abruptly by going to our home so we ended up in a park which thankfully the rain had stopped. I watched Jennie hopping excitedly to the bench which made me chuckle and follow behind her.

I put my arm in front of her once we were near and grabbed a handkerchief from my pocket to place it on the bench before facing her who's staring at me amused and I only responded with a cheeky smile. She thanked me with a chaste kiss on my lips.

I furrowed my eyebrows when she turned back around. Before I could form a word, she swiftly pushed me back down on the covered bench and my eyes almost bulged out as she comfortably sat on my lap, facing sideways and hands locked around my neck.

My astonishment was palpable on my face, but she just laughed it off with a smug smirk on her magnificent face. I shook my head lightly, still trying to get used to her unexpected actions, which she does virtually every day.

After a while, I felt at ease and directed my head towards her neck. Inhaling her pleasant scent and relaxing while she combs my hair gently with her fingers in an up and down motion. I've never felt so contented ever in my life not until she came into the picture unanticipatedly.

I've always been the shy one whenever I was around her presence. When I initially met her through a friend, she made me a stuttering mess, and I'd never felt so ashamed in my life. I wanted to flee, but the tenderness in her eyes and the way she told me I was adorable compelled me to stay. I realized right then and there that she would be a part of my life in the next days.

I am so in love with her that my chest is fuming hard like it suddenly wants to explode due to the tremendous feeling. She's my path. Wherever she goes, I'll be there to hold her hand and lead her through everything. Everyday, I just feel more and more for her and I never knew that being in love with someone can make you feel so....... complete.

"I love you, my hubby."

I trailed my lips up to her cheek, smiling into her soft skin at how smoothly those words flowed out of her mouth. I softly squeezed her waist and placed my lips to her forehead. Happiness swarming over my chest as she moved her body closer to me. I immediately embraced her and let out a blissful sigh, relishing how well her body fit into mine.

This was something I wanted to enjoy more of. More moments to spend time with her. I want to do everything with her for a long time. My mind then wandered to how to complete off the amazing evening. Nervousness swelled through me as I realized what I was about to do was not in my planning phase and my lack of preparation, but we both enjoy surprises. Despite the fact that the situation was already perfect, I wanted to make it even better by making an improvised decision. And I'm confident she'd love it, hopefully giving me her positive response.

"Will you marry me, Jennie?"

In a split second, she whipped her direction to me, staring at me with wide eyes and mouth agape. I held my gaze to hers and let out a beaming smile knowing that I had received my answer right then and there, looking at her tearful expression with the biggest smile I had ever seen.

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