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The partial lockdown of Ghana began on the 30th of March 2020. For the past 4 days since it began, we have been forced to eat once a day instead of our normal twice. We usually wake up to study but now there is nothing much to study for as everyone has no motivation (and you can't study hard on an empty stomach). All our plans have been destroyed. Well not completely for me though. I had wanted to apply to college this year anyway and that doesn't change. But even if I was accepted, I would be going in September 2021 which is more than a year from now. How can I survive a full year like this? A situation which is totally beyond my control.

We've eaten only once today too. I know it's true that a friend who helps you when you are in need is a friend indeed, but that saying couldn't be truer as we faced this drawback. Until today we have tried contacting a lot of people for help--even our other family members—and so far, we have been turned down by 99% of them of whom some claimed to be so close to us or those we have in one way or another assisted previously. I agree that this is a hard time for basically everyone on earth but honestly, some people are just hard-hearted. I think we can manage living like this for maybe 2 weeks but if the situation remains this way, I don't see how we can make it out alive. 

To make issues worse, I just found out that the global number of cases has risen to a million as at yesterday with only 200,000 recoveries made. Any vaccine to be made to fight the virus is estimated to be out in at least 12 months. Not the kind of news I was expecting. I have been waking up by 6 am since the lockdown began instead of my normal 2 am and I spend the whole day doing nothing fruitful---until I began this book, I mean---and go to bed by 8 pm latest. In this condition, one's energy must be conserved strongly so we move around our small house like zombies and try to be quiet as much as possible. And this is just after 4 days!!!!!!!!! JUST GREAT!!!!! It is 8 pm now, I just finished doing some thinking about my survival. I'm tired and off to bed.

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