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Before I begin, I must admit something. Though this entry is titled 8thApril, it is actually 9th April. Thing is, I don't have a reallygood computer. I use a laptop and desktop at the same time. You see, my laptophas "mental" and physical problems; the screen is destroyed and the audiosystem is destroyed. Since my parents don't have enough money to fix it, Idecided to improvise. I checked up some old stuff at home and found a desktopand a VGA cable. Connected it to my laptop and tadaa, my "PERSONAL COMPUTER" was born. The operating system had also beeninactivated but I solved that issue by hacking it into activation. 

Anyway, thelaptop-part of the pc ran into some problems and I couldn't open Microsoft wordto add yesterday's entry so I had to enter it today. So let's just pretend thattoday really is today. Day 10 of the lockdown. 

The comics did bring me a lot of joyyesterday. I felt a bit revived. I woke up at 5:47 am today. I continuedreading Harry Potter. I heard on BBC that a top scientist at the EU resignedbecause the EU body didn't pay attention to him when he had ideas on tacklingthe outbreak. Why are people so naive? Why can't they leave experts to do theirwork? His resignation can look like nothing but maybe he would have sparked upsomething that would save millions of lives. What the world needs at thismoment is unity, not division. This was what I kept on thinking while I hadbreakfast.

I also took a nap as usual. I didn't expect to have a second mealbut my parents conjured a way to give us something small. I must confess. Theyare doing well. I don't think anyone else will be able to do what they try todo for us every single day. Catering for 3 children in this outbreak whiles noone is working??? An unbelievable story to anyone who hears it. Yet it is whatI experience every day. 

Seeing thattoday is, in reality, tomorrow, I will say I went to bed yesterday at 9 pm. Iam feeling weird at this moment because I'm writing about the real today and today at the same time so it looks likeI've written a whole lot but compared to other days it's just normal. Well, Ihope you don't get lost in the days'saga.

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