Chapter Four- The story is told

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I am SO sorry for the late update! Some things came up, then I got lazy, and then I made the basketball team! So yeah, i promise updates wont take three weeks again! There might only be one chaoter per week, unless I have time to make a few more :) So here it is, chapter 4!!


This room is huge! Not like bigger than the living room, but the same size! Louis must have seen my facial expression, because he started laughing.

"Haha, yea, it's big huh?" He asked me.

I quickly shook my head and snapped back to reality. "Yes. Very." I walked inside and looked in the closet, and there were clothes in there! ALOT of clothes. "Wow. How many outfits did you guys get?" I asked leafing through the clothes. Some, well MOST of these were really cute! And my size... how? Zayn spoke up. "Well, we didn't know what your style was, so, we got a little bit of everything!

I came out of the closet and looked at them. 'How did you know my size?" I ask them.

"Well, Niall checked your shirt size." Harry said laughing as Niall blushed. "Sorry Jorden, but none of the other boys would do it, so I had to." He said looking at the ground. Was he blushing again? Okay, something is DEFFINETLY up with him.

"Alright, well, we'll give you some time to get settled in okay?" Liam said walking out of the room, with the boys following.

"Alright, later!" I say shutting the door.

I start to look around the room. Ohhhh! Mini-fridge! Water! I take a bottle and down the whole thing under five minutes. I grab another one and take a sip. Man did I miss this stuff. Lets see, what else is in the room. A bathroom with a shower in it- oh that will be used. A curler and a straightner, is that a blow-dryer? Wow. These boys are good. Back to the closet. Shoes too? Once again wow. Also in the room is a flat screen T.V., a mini couch, and a queen size bed. This room is loaded.

I walk back into the bathroom and grab a towell. I strip off the old T-shirt and shorts, then the bikini. I don't bother to brush my hair though. I hopped in the shower and let the warm water run over me. Wow. I didn't realize how cold I was. I had been inside, but still. I was cold.

When I get out I dryed my hair with the blow-dryer, then brushed it. I pit on skinny jeans and a pink button-up. Wait- is that make-up? They most deffinelty had a girl help them with this. Too bad I don't wear make-up though. Mabey a little at times, nut not always.

I sit on my bed not knowing what to do. I don't have my phone or Ipad, my notebook or sketch pad. I get up and look through a drawer in the bed side table. Cool! A notebook! That can be my journal/sketch pad/notebook thingy. I sit back down to draw.

After about fifteen minutes I hear a knock at my door. It's Louis.

"Hello love!" He says excitedly.

"Hi Louis!" I reply just as excitedly.

He clears his throat and adjusts his fake tie. "I am here to escort you to dinner," He holds out his arm for me to take, "will you be my plus one?" He askes with a very serios look on his face.

"It would be my honor Louis." I take his arm and we skip towards the dinning room. We end up laughing a little, but how could we not?

We get to the dinning room and Louis opens the door with his one free hand. Everyone is already sitting down. He walkes me to my seat and pulls it out. "Thank you kind sir!" I say with a giggle sitting down.

A Little Good Can Come From A Little Bad A One Direction/Niall Horan fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now