Chapter 15- The date.

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The day went by pretty fast. The girls were supposed to come on today, but Danielle had a last minute show to do, and Eleanor said she would go with her, so they are coming on tommorow.

I didn't do much today. I really just sat in my room, texting Kelsy, and my other friends Alexis and Pearl. And every once in a while, one of the boys would stop in and talk with me for a little bit. My biggest conversation was with Liam. We just sat and talked for literally like two hours. told him a bit about myself, and he told me some things about himself, and also some really funny stories about stupid things that the boys had done, and the paparazzi didn't already know. I also told him about my date with Niall tonight. I told him that I was a little nervous. He told me not to worry because Niall really did like me.

Right now it was around 6. My date with Niall was in an hour. All the boys except Zayn were gone. Harry and Louis were going to go walk around London, and Liam and Niall didn't say where they were going.

I was just putting down my phone when I heard a knock at the door. I open the door. "Hey Zayn!" I said.

"Hey. Niall tld me about your guy's date!" He said mischeifously.

"Oh my god can you please tell me where were going?" I asked giving him my best puppy dog face.

"Nope. But I CAN give you a hint!" He said smiling at me.

"Tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me!" I said hopping up and down excitedly.

"Whats the magic word?" He askes.

"Ugh Zayyn!" I groan. "I don't have time for this! It's already 6:10 and I have to still shower and get ready!" I whine.

"Fine I'll tell you, but only because I love you and my little Nialler." He finally gave in.

I start jumping up and down excitedly. "Yay!!!!" I scream jumping on him.

He laughes and hugs me back. "Haha, he said to wear a dress."

Oh great. I have to dress up. Oh well. I'll do anything for my little Nialler.

"Alright, thank you Zayn!" I say getting off of him.

"Any time."

"Yeah, now go so I can get ready okay?"

"Alright. I'll be in the kitchen if ya need me."

{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}(An hour later){}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}

Im showered and have my hair done. I don't put on make-up because I don't really like wearing it. Niall and Liam are home. They got home like 15 minutes ago. Niall is in his room now and is getting ready. Man, if it only takes him five minutes to get ready, and it takes me an hour, I seriously need ro re-think my timing better.

Niall comes to my door and we leave for our date. It was a 30 minute drive until we got to the beach.

We walk out and I come face to face with a beautiful scene. Niall rented out the beach. There was a gazebo with Twinkly lights by the water. The waves were calm, which was perfect because it fit right in with the scene. The sun was about to set, so that also helped.

"Niall this is... so... special." I finally stutter out.

"I know. A special girl like you deserves special things like this. Oh and thank you."

I couldn't think of what else to say to him. So instead of speaking I just ran up to him and hugged him. He hugged me back and we stayed like that untill we heard a car pull up. Niall smiled and walked over to the car. He payed a man and grabbed a bag of food.

He walked back over to me and smiled again. "Well, I said that I was going to take you to dinner, but I thought that this was better, but ya know, we still need to eat. So I called up a fancy restaurant down there," He said pointing his head towards the right. "They said that they didn't do take-out, so I said that I woukd pay them extra. So here we are now. Food." He said walking to the Gazebo.

The Gazebo was beautiful. On one side there was a table for two. On the other side there was a small couch facing the water.

Niall put all the food down, and we started eating. Niall got salad, rolls, and steak. It was awesome. We finish eating just as the sun sets. We walk to the middle of the Gazebo where there is an empty space. Probably for dancing. Niall stands behind me and puts his arms around my waist and his chin on my shoulder. "Wow..." He said. I put my hands on his hands and lean back knto him. "It's beautiful isnt it?" He askes me. "Gorgeous. Just gorgeous."

Niall turns me around as the song ends and a new one comes on. It was 'Kiss Me' by Ed Sheeran.

"I love this song." We both said at the same time.

"Will you dance with me?" He askes. I nod my head and put my arms around his neck and my head on his chest. He puts his arms around my waist. Niall starts softly singing the song into my hair.

I love when Niall sings. His voice is amazing. Angel-like almost. I really hated when girls said that he didn't belong kn One Direction. His voice is... there isnt even a word for it... its just... perfect.

The song ended and I looked up at Niall to see him staring at me. We stared at each other for a few minutes untill he slowly leaned in. I closed my eyes, and he did the same. I soon felt his lips on mine.

Fireworks. Thats all I felt.

Soon I pulled away from him. We looked at each other. "Woa..." He said. "Yeah, woa." Again he put his lips on mine. This is absolutely perfect.

Our lips moved in perfect synch together. It felt so... right.

This time he pulled apart, and.pressed our foreheads together. I smiled at him, and he smiled back. "Lets take a walk." He whispered grabbing my hand. We walked for a little bit. "Would you like some ice cream?" He asked me. "I would LOVE some ice cream!" I tell him. We finally reach a small little ice cream shoppe. We both order vanilla. We eat our ice cream as we walk down beach hand in hand.

We get back to the Gazebo. We sit on the couch and I pull my knee's up and Niall puts his arm around my waist. I put head on his shoulder and fireworks go off. I drowse off to them.

Niall carries me to the car. He starts driving and grabs my hand again. This time he starts rubbing small circles on the back of my hand.

I wake up to Niall laying me on my bed. He kisses my head. "Wait!" I yell grabbing his wrist.

"What?" I reply by crashing my lips to his. He kisses back for a few seconds before pulling away and chuckling. "Goodnight love." He said walking out and shutting the door. I quickly pull on some pajammas and shut the light off. I crawl in bed and think ano ut my date with Niall. I go to bed happy.


Authors note- Sorry for the late update! But here you go! :-)

A Little Good Can Come From A Little Bad A One Direction/Niall Horan fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now