A Little Good Can Come From A Little Bad A One Direction/Niall Horan fanfiction

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Authors Note: Hey guys, so this is my first story, i've been writing it for a while now in my notebook, and i thought that i should just publish it! So um yea...Please read it and tell me what ya think!


Chapter One - Getting Lost Jordens P.O.V. Flashback and thinking

A Few weeks ago, my family and I were staying at an island resort in Hawaii. Everything there was beautiful! The landscape, the culture, the peope, the buildings, the beaches, just everything! My little brother Brandon wanted to go surfing one day. Who knew that would be the day that I got lost.

"Mom, dad, can we pleease go surfing today?" Brandon asked, no BEGGED my parents.

I sat in bed and laughed. Actually, going surfing sounded pretty fun! So far, we had gone snorkling in the reef's, swimming with dolphins, hulaing, and had been to an official Hawaiin Luo.

"Mom, actually, surfing sounds really fun, in fact, thats pretty much the ONLY tourist thing that we HAVENT done yet!" I said laughing at how touristy we've been. I looked over to mom, and she was laughing too. She mist have felt like a tourist too.

" Alright, alright, if you two want to go surfing, we'll go try surfing! We'll leave by 12:30, so be ready!"

Brandon jumped into the air yelling "YES!" He was pumping his fist in the air over and over again.

I looked over at the alarm clock which read '10:45'. Great. That means I have an hour and fifteen minutes to get ready.

"Ugh!" I groan and plop back down into bed.

" Jorden, I thought that you were excited to go?" Brandon questions as he sits down at the end of my bed.

" Well, I am, I'm just nit wanting to get out of bed!" I say putting my pillow over my head.

"Get up you lazy piece of fat lard!" He yells pulling the pillow off of my head and hitting me with it. Then he grabbed my hand and pulled me up. As I get up I groan once again.

"Now, go to the bathroom and get ready! And hurry because we still have to eat!" He says as he pushes me into the bathroom.

" Okay, okay! I'm going you little twit!" I say as I grab my suitcase and close the door.

I look into the mirror and grr at myself for no apparent reason. I dont really get why Justin ever broke up with me. Well, I can understand why, I mean, I'm not calling myself ugly, I'm just not really pretty! Like, none of the One Direction boys standards. I wish I was, but, that'll never happen! Like I'd meet them anyway! But for my standards, i think that I'm pretty. I have long brown hair, icy blue eyes, and not real tan skin. Those are probably the only features I like about myself. Im nineteen, and short for my age. I'm 5'2. I'm not really big, in fact, I'm skinny. And athletic. I love to play soccer, volleyball, gymnastics, and track. Oh and my favorite thing in the world is One Direction. To be more specific, Niall Horan.

"Ahh." I say thinking about him. Niall Horan has always been my favorite! But I'll never meet him, or any of the boys so, what does it matter anyway? Okay Jorden. Stop looking in the mirror. Get dressed.

I put on my lime green bikini with a white T-Shirt, and grey shorts over top. I run a brush through my hair and put it in a messy bun. I wiped off all extra make-up that I diddn't get last night. I put on my flip-flops and was ready to go.

About an hour later, everyone was fed and ready. We headed out to the beach. We get our surfboards and walked out to the water. After a few tries, I got the hang of it. A few waves later, I got a REALLY big one! Once it ended, I got carried out even farther.

"Mom!" I yelled. I was starting to panick.

"Jorden!" My family all called.

That was the last thing I heard. From my family. From everyone.

A Little Good Can Come From A Little Bad A One Direction/Niall Horan fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now