Chapter 16- My Best Friends

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I woke up to the smell of food. Waffels to be exact. Yum. I LOVE waffels! I get out of bed and throw my hair up because I didn't last night so it was really mess.

I don't change because I'm fine with my pajammas. I'm.wearing my yellow tweety-bird pants, and a beige tanktop. Just in case the boys are out there though, I throw a grey hoodie over top.

I walk out into the kitchen to find Niall making pancakes. "I didn't know you cooked." I said softly. He turned around smiling.

"It's a hidden secret." He said.

"Only question, are you any good?" I ask him raising my eyebrow.

"Well, put it this way, I can make certain things good, certain things bad, waffels, however, are one of the good things." He said tirning back around.

"Oh, okay then." I go to the refrigerator and grab the water jug, then I grab a cup from the cabnet.

I pour some water and sit at the table. It's quiet this morning. Too quiet. "Niall..."

"Yeh..." He said mocking my tone.

"Why is it so quiet in here?"

"Oh. The boys all left, and they took Paul. So now it's just us." He said putting eight waffels on a plate on a counter to the left of him. "For now." He added the last part.

He grabbed the plate, some whip cream, and strawberries. He brought the plate over to the table. He sat on my lap, so he was facing me.

"So lets make the most of it." He whispered leaning in closer to my face, tucking a piece of loose hair behind my ear.

He was so close, I could feel his breath on my face. I couldn't handle it.

After what felt like forever he finally placed his lips to mine.

I felt them again: fireworks. And butterflies. I could get use to this feeling.

We stayed kissing for a few minutes untill Niall's stomach growled. We pulled apart laughing.

"Way to ruien the moment." He said.

I laughed. "It's okay Niall, if yours hadnt growled, mine would've. I'm starving!"

We start eating, and man did they taste good! We put whipped cream on them, and little strawberry pieces. Niall sprayed some lf the whip cream on my nose, so I sprayed him in the face. He laughed and just wiped it off. He wouldn't let me wipeu mine of though, he just licked it off. I fangirled really hard at that moment. We finished eating, and I went to go get dressed and check my phone.

I put on a pair of skinny jeans and a blue and white stripped T-shirt. I brushed my hair out and I was ready.

I jumped on my bed and checked my phone. No new texts from Kelsy. Thats okay though because she was probably still on the plane.

I was SO happy that she was coming on the boat! I miss her so much! I know that she's going to get along great with the boys! I mean she loves them as much as I do. But her favorite isn't Niall. It's Harry. Mwahaha I can have some fun with that. I love to mess with her.

About an hour later I got a text. It was from Kelsy. Yay! She landed! I texted her back and said that I'd be there in 20 minutes. I decided not to tell her that Niall was coming because I would absolutly love to see her facial expression. I'm such a good Friend right?

I put on my black sandels and grab Niall. About 20 minutes later we arrive at the airport. I go to the gate Kelsy told me was was at. I finally spot her. I run up to her. "KELSYY! BUBBLESSS!" I yell.

"BOOBIE!" She yells running twords me. We hug for the longest time.

Kelsy is a year older than me. But we don't care, we love each other. Like legit, we were each others Valentines last year. But were not Lesbian. Kelsy has brown hair and brown eyes. She's taller than me by like two feet.

We pulled away and Kelsy looked behind me. Her eyes widened and her mouth dropped. Looks like she spotted Niall.

"Oh. My. God. You're Niall Horan!" She squeled.

He laughed and walked up closer to us. "Yep. I get that alot!"

"Oh my god I love you!" She said and flung her arms around him. He laughed and hugged her back.

"I love you too!"

"I love food!" I yelled bugging into their little conversation.

They both let go and Niall slings his arm around me. 10 seconds later he takes it off. "Oh crap. Sorry baby." He mumbled.

"It's okay Niall, nobody saw it, your fine." whispered softly.

Niall and I have talked about it and we're not going public with our relationship yet. It's to soon. In a few weeks though, we will. Managment already said that we could. Untill then however we had to go out in public together so that the fans can get warmed up to me.

I wrap my arm around Kelsy, and wraps.her arm around me. Together we skipped out of the airport singing "Happy Together.", Thats kinda our theme song. Niall laughed. and grabbed Kelsy's bags.

Kelsy and I get to the car before Niall does. I slide into the front seat, and she gets into the back.

"So... you and Niall?" She asks.


"What do you think about him?"

"Well, he's sweet, and amazing, and beautiful, and adorable. He's the perfect boyfriend." I said with a smile.

"Better than Justin ever was?"

"Niall will never be Justin. Niall is way better than he ever was."

"Do you love him?"

Did I love Niall? Not yet, but I'm deffinitely falling for him. Why shouldn't I love him? I mean, he's given me no reason NOT to. I've always loved him. But this time, it's much more personal. So did I?

"I think I do." I turned around and smiled at her, with her giving me an equally as big smile.

Just then Niall walkes up to the car and puts Kelsy's bag in the trunk. He gets into the front seat and starts to drive. He slowly grabs my hand and laces our fingers together. I knew Kelsy took a picture of it. I'll have to get her to send it to me later.

We get home and put Kelsy's bag into my room. Niall and I spend the rest of the evening talking with Kelsy. Of course later she and I would have to catch up, but for now, we were all three talking.

I was sitting inbetween Niall's legs, with my back infront of his stomach. We were sitting on the floor. Niall had both his hands in both of mine. I laid my head back onto his chest and he put his chin on top of my head. As they both talked I couldn't help but think how awesome my life was right now.

And I knew that it would only get better.


Authors Note: Wow. I have 209 reads on this story! Thank you guys all so much! Here you go :-)

A Little Good Can Come From A Little Bad A One Direction/Niall Horan fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now