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Alrighty, I don't know why I wrote this but this idea just crossed my mind and I couldn't otherwise but write it to get the idea out of my head.


4th Great Ninja War

Satomi fought off the few remaining white Zetsu's that were trying to kill her. She huffed annoyed when she felt blood dripping down her cheek. She wiped the red liquid away while checking out where the rest of her team was. After Gaara-sama, she was the second-in-command of the allied shinobi forces. Born as a Senju and - quite obviously due to her physical appearance - the daughter of none other than Senju Tobirama, the Nidaime Hokage, she was used to being looked up to. Her eyes searched the battlefield until she found her team. They were a mix of all five hidden villages, Kurotsuchi of Iwagakure, Omoi of Kumogakure, Chojuro of Kirigakure, Temari of Sunagakure and Uchiha Shisui of Konohagakure.
"Team A! Assemble." Satomi ordered. Although she didn't scream, her comrades seemed to have heard her because in less than a minute the young general was surrounded by all of them.
"Senju-sama?" Chojuro asked concerned.
"I received information from Ino-san. I am required at the front to help Naruto-kun and Sasuke-kun. I want you to hold the ground here."

Satomi used her hiraishin to join the front but all of a sudden, the feeling of being pressed in a tube, which normally came with the hiraishin, intensified. What's happening?
Slowly the dread faded. It got replaced by shock. Before she could even process what went wrong her sensory abilities showed her perfectly how screwed she was.
She was in a huge room. A big table in the centre dominated her view and many different looking people had been discussing when apparently she had turned up. She heard a groan behind her. She reached out and found the other five chakra signatures of her team behind her. Her gaze focused again on the table. All of them had stood up, reaching for their weapons ready to fight the intruders. Satomi's red eyes lingered a second longer on the two men standing closer to her than the rest. Her breath stuttered for a few moments before she regained her composure. Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama? How is that possible? My seal must have been sabotaged and instead of travelling space I crossed the timeline.
"I thought I told you to dispose of the seals." She said coldly towards her fellows who were standing up.
"Forgive us, Senju-sama." Shisui bowed. Satomi huffed in annoyance.
The blade of a kunai caught her attention. With rapid speed, she lunged forward and caught the kunai which was going to pierce Uchiha Madara - the Madara of the timeline they were currently in - out of the air.
"Omoi! Calm down. He's not our enemy."
"Not yet. If I kill him now, the war won't have to happen." The Kumo-Nin hissed with hot anger which was rather unusual for the most of the time deeply depressive ninja.
"Then you leave me no choice." She hiraishined directly before him and slapped a seal drawn on a small piece of paper against his forehead. The ninja immediately fell to the ground unconsciously. Gently, Satomi laid him down before she gazed back at the Clan-Heads.
She made a step forward.
Her father - was he her father? she wasn't born yet - scowled and pushed his elder brother slightly behind him. Satomi's eyes narrowed.
"I apologize for the sudden intrusion."
"Who are you?" Tobirama demanded to know, his red eyes narrowed at the woman in front of him who looked awfully a lot like him. She was pale and hat long white hair that was held back in a complicated braid. Her intense red eyes had the same rich color as the diamond-shaped seal on her forehead. Her clothes, and those of her comrades, were in bad shape. He frowned when he saw their headbands which only read 'shinobi'. They seemed to have just come out of war which was mysterious since there was no war going on anywhere near. Of course there are small battles over territory and little conflicts but nothig too serious.
Satomi thought about what to say. Since Shisui had already given away her status as a Senju there was no point in denying that. Which also led to the conclusion, lying itself was pointless. Her soon-to-be-father would also probably feel a lie because he was a strong sensor like her himself.
She sighed.
"My name is Senju Satomi of Konohagakure no Sato. These are my teammates, Kurotsuchi of Iwagakure, Temari of Sunagakure, Omoi of Kumogakure, Chojuro of Kirigakure and Shisui of Konohagakure. We are shinobi of the allied shinobi forces."
"Allied shinobi forces?" Hashirama suddenly exclaimed, his eyes shining like stars.
He really is annoying, Satomi thought but didn't say anything.
"Yes. We are from the future. It seems my seal got sabotaged and instead of space we have traversed time."
At that, Madara snorted.
"What leads you to believe we would believe you?"
He stepped forward, weapon in his hand. In an instand, Shisui was in front of her, shielding her, his eternal Mangekyou Sharingan activated. Madara froze.
"Shisui-san. Step aside. There's no need. As I said, Uchiha-sama hasn't left Konoha yet and never will be, at least in this timeline." Satomi said smoothly. The young Uchiha did as he was told and Satomi faced the four founders of Konoha.
"What makes you think I would leave my village?" Madara growled. He didn't know if to feel insulted or angry.
"In our timeline, your brother Izuna was killed before the village's founding which led to you going mad. You left the village, implanted cells of Hashirama-sama in your body and hid for many decades. Then you and a criminal organisation called Akatsuki began collecting the Biju to reach your goal of placing a huge Genjutsu over the whole world called Tsukuyomi. You became the Jinchuuriki of the Ten-tailed and awakened the Rinnegan due to the Mokuton-cells in your body. To put it bluntly, you started the 4th Great Ninja War."
She was greeted with a deafening silence.

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