Chapter 3

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"W-What..." Midoriya stammered blinking making Rochelle chuckle "I should start heading home, good to see you again Mr. Toshinori," Rochelle said Bowing and starting to head back to her apartment.

2 days later Rochelle arrived at the beach bright and early I think I'll start with stretches thought Rochelle going into the splits a little while later she was done stretching, Rochelle sat on the sand looking at the water and sunrise then suddenly smelled the scent of All might and Midoriya guesses there here thought Rochelle standing up walking towards there sent.

"Hello All Might, Midoriya," said Rochelle making them both jump "when did you get here Young Cheney? Asked All Might "Oh I got here about an hour ago" replied Rochelle "an hour" Midoriya squeaked "yup I didn't know what time to come" Rochelle explained.

" oh yeah, I forgot to tell you the time" All Might, remembered " how would you know In the morning? Asked All might "well training better quiet and early so no one disturbs you, but your case early so no one knows who you are Rochelle explained.

both looked at her with wide eyes making Rochelle smirk laughing under her breath "so what are going to do? asked Midoriya after both boys recovered from shock "well young Midoriya we will be working on bringing back this beach view said All might while smashing a piece of scrap metal as if it was metal are goal is to clear this beach before the U.A entrance exam All might continue making Midoriya looked shocked then All might jumped back on the fridge  Midoriya pulled the ropes again wanting to work harder.

making Rochelle snort out a laugh making Midoriya embarrassed "sorry you remind me of a certain way my cousin trained two of them would sit on a barrel full of liquor and my cousin would try bench pressing them while doing chores around the Guild" Rochelle recalled then looking at Midoriya who was making inhuman noises trying to process what Rochelle said making Rochelle shrug going back do one-armed push-ups.

weeks went by and the beach was getting there slowly Rochelle started kicking objects towards the truck Midoriya was supposed to drag the truck somewhere  Rochelle was practicing her kicks "I do but I don't wanna just pass I have to work harder than anyone else to make it I'll never catch up an otherwise I want to be just like you the strongest hero" Midoriya declared crying making Rochelle smile on how determined he is.

Rochelle walked towards them " is that your goal? asked Rochelle standing in front of him making him nod his head in confusion "  you don't get your goal in a year just because you work hard you have to be determined to give it you're all in the bleakest of time not just for yourself but for the people that that come and go through your life when you're trying to reach that goal" declared Rochelle making Midoriya stare at her in shock mouth moving but no words came out Rochelle just patted Midoriya walking back to continue her previous task  "I never thought of that All Might though staring at the girl retreating figure.

Rochelle arrived at the beach in shock to see it not just clean but spotless then spotted a figure on the top of the pile of junk screaming making Rochelle smile brightly Rochelle realized All might be there also Rochelle thought to leave them alone to have their moment but what Rochelle heard was when All Might had a piece of Hair in his hand asking Midoriya to eat it making Rochelle  Jog over there "is this how everyone gets a quirk? asked Rochelle starting at a green pale Midoriya "no it how my quirk work" All Might whisper making Rochelle nod her head in understanding.

hours later at the entrance exam Rochelle sat in the chair in the  middle of Bakugo and Midoriya  just my luck Rochelle thought looking towards the speaker Midoriya started Murmuring making a guy in a few rows ahead of them  "please stop distracting us if you don't want to be here you can leave" the guy said making Midoriya stutter out an apology  the guy started going over the robots and how they points were earned this is easy thought Rochelle looking at the card that says what area she was assigned to "oh good luck Midoriya and you to Bakugo "y-you to" Midoriya stuttered "I don't need luck you quirkless girl!!" Bakugo shouted making Rochelle chuckle.

Rochelle started stretching not even bothering to look around her 123!! Go the speaker spoke  Rochelle ran towards three Robots making  Rochelle smirk Rochelle back towards a wall climbing it at a fast speed kicking through one Robot then a high kick towards the second and the third just a simple fist breaking all three robots to pieces.

in the control room, the heroes who were watching  "Woah she destroyed those robots like it was nothing" a voice said " with only her fist and kicks what is her quirk" said a second voice "wow interesting" another voice spoke out back to Rochelle any robot that came towards Rochelle she was kicked or punch them down without a sweat the ground started Rumbling making Rochelle run towards the boss a huge robot a person stuck towards the ground unable to move.

Rochelle helped the person out by removing their feet due to their quirk then picking up the person placing them out of destruction then went towards the robot running up its leg making towards the head Rochelle used her shadows to invade the Robots software making the Robot automatically shut down the Robot so nobody got hurt Rochelle jumped off the robot to help a person who seemed to be injured with a broken arm Rochelle's ripped off part of her jacket to wrap around the person injured arm making a sling with her jacket. then the timer went off.

  "Are you okay? asked a blonde boy who was stumbling quite a lot " I used my quirk to its limit"  the person replied before Rochelle replied to a nice elder woman  "the test is over dear you here are some gummies the elderly woman placed them in Rochelle and the person hand  Rochelle just Shrugged eating the gummies "if they were poisoned I would survive either way Rochelle thought chewing on those gummies walking with towards the exit looking at the sky.
I wonder how Midoriya's doing? Rochelle thought

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