Chapter 50

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"what's going on? this smoke I can't see! a citizen asked as the smoke lightened Nakagame walked out of the building purple smoke came "There you are perfect please take care of him" a voice spoke through the smoke Nakagame ran over to the smoke "Is he okay? Yo, you're such an idiot" Nakagame took Shindo from the stranger's arms "I'm sorry I didn't get here sooner you should take him to the doctor quickly and abandon the building it's not safe, I'll make sure nothing else is damaged". the figure walked the other way through the smoke "got it".

after running through a few streets Deku floated up past the abandoned city covered in purple smoke "Where the hell are you going?  Muscular yelled trying to punch Deku he kept jumping back putting enough space to use Black-whip wrapping around Muscular swinging him down to the water below them.

Deku floated above the water "Enough playing games! Muscular shouted stilled typed up by black-whip "Tell me where Shigaraki and All For One are hiding I know they broke you out" Deku asked landing on the ground "Who cares they told me to go wild and do whatever I want, which is how I live anyway, this talking is so boring like your dumb tricks let's cut to the good stuff Live for the adrenaline I want a full-power brawl like we had a night no holding back! Muscular yelled.

"Why do you chase after such extremes? Deku asks "Cause I don't want to have any regrets when I finally die" Muscular smile grows "Oh yeah? and what would you regret? Deku asked "Not enjoying every thrill life has to offer to the max" "You don't think there was another path for you Goto Imasuji? Deku asked "Nope not a chance? Muscular broke through Black-whip "What? Are you trying to empathize with me? Waste someone else's time with that BS my heart beats with a thirst for blood and battle! Nothing else in this whole world matters".

"I wish there was a way of reasoning with you but it sounds like this is inevitable" Deku got into a fighting stance "Give me your full power, Midoriya! Muscular expanded another wave of muscles "If we have to fight at least I'll learn something about him" When did you turn into a boring guy who just stands around? Muscular shouted the Muscles started to snap all over his body.

"There are spaces between your muscles whenever they reach their limits they peel back and disappear, you want a head-on fight but you tried to trap me a first is it because you know something's wrong with your power you didn't realize how strong Shido's Vibrate truly is

"you think you're so clever! Deku charged at Muscular punching Muscular right through a small space in between his arm muscles using one for all.

"Where are Shindo and Nakagame? Toteki another third year from Ketsubutsu Academy ran beside Makabe another third year "Hey up there? they stopped running "Huh? that's the villain  Nakagame looked up at Deku in the sky with the villain "I didn't even get a chance to say "thank you" Nakagame spoke to herself "Here use this it'll make carrying him easier" The leader had a board to put Shindo on the leader and another citizen lifted the board "you're helping us? Nakagame asked "it's not like we want anyone to get hurt or anything I figure the least we can do now is hear you out" the leader explained Shinso slowly started to gain consciousness but slowly fell back asleep.

Rochelle walked through the broken town "Excuse me," Rochelle politely spoke up scaring the leader and the citizens   "Who are you? the leader asked Rochelle shook her head "I just wanted to give you this, it will hold you over until you find a safer place to stay" Rochelle dropped a small bag full of medicine bandages and other medical supplies that can help them.

"Freeze what do you want? an officer pointed a gun at Deku surrounded by purple mist "Do you have any spare iron maidens? Deku asked "Maidens? Wait that's...the smoke along with Deku slowly began to clear when away leaving an unconscious Muscular "Please restrain him" Deku shot into the sky "Hold on!

Deku started hopping from one building  "All Might, I heading back " Deku landed in the alleyway  All Might was parked by his car Rochelle stood beside him.  "are either are you injured? All Might asked Rochelle took off her black masquerade mask  "Your arms and legs? All Might ask Deku. Deku removed his mask "I'm fine thanks to the mid-gauntlets as far as compression support items go they're super high-quality thanks again" Deku said removing the gauntlets "Glad you thought to order them from the US before travel and shipping restrictions were imposed".

"they're prototypes but they should boost your endurance best of all, the support affects your entire body they won't withstand your power if you're at 100% percent though try not to go overboard before your rematch, okay? "I won't" Rochelle frowned at Deku's distant expression. I am Here in your phone All Might's phone started to go off Deku quickly put back on his mask  All Might answered the phone "It's me hey"  "All Might good to hear you just wanted to check in how is Midoriya and Cheney?  Hawks asked on the other end "fine their with me right now".

"got to go sorry" Deku ran off "or at least he was" "Heh let me guess he ran off again he doesn't want any people around if he gets attacked pretty actually he's chosen to isolate and prepare not the worst idea in the world but if the people who stormed Tartarus come at him in full force it's over for all of us like Midoriya said, our best chance is to track them down instead I know it's a hard position for you, but I'm glad you're there to support him".

Rochelle sighed putting back on her mask "Don't worry All Might I'll watch over him" Rochelle disappeared into the shadows.

"I'm not going back to U.A.? Deku told his mother and All Might "What do you mean? Inko asked "Oh, kid" All Might mumbled "No matter where I go, Shigaraki will know my location he must be licking his wounds, or else he'd be here storming the hospital I don't want anyone else to get hurt especially not because of me and if the league can reach their full power things will be even worse than they are now that cannot happen I have to stop Shigaraki and All For One" Deku explained keeping his eyes looking down at his lap.

"you're here because you couldn't beat those villains don't throw your life away" Inko pleaded with Deku another wave of tears filled her eyes "I'll get stronger," Deku told her "I have loved watching you grow into a hero but hearing this is too much" Inko held Deku's hand tighter Deku finally looked up at his mother "when I was a kid you once smiled and thanked me for saving you that made me so happy" the tears fell from Inko's eyes "that's why I have to go now don't you worry I'll always come home to you" Deku promised Inko hugged him and started to cry.

"I could try to stop you, But I know your mind is made up well even if you don't want my help I won't let you do this alone, understand? All Might asked tears falling from his eyes".

Rochelle leaned her head back on the wall the door slid open Rochelle got up  following Deku they both walked out of the hospital to a few familiar pros  waiting outside Hawks, Best Jeanist Endeavor, and All Might  Rochelle and Deku  put on their masks

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