Chapter 7

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The class waited for everyone's favorite class of the day hero training class Mr.Aizawa walked into the front of the room "today for basic hero training All Might myself and another for a hero will be helping you with" Mr.Aizawa stopped and pulled out a sign that says rescue.

Then everyone got their hero costumes on and was ready to go Rochelle put on her gloves as two invisible gloves appeared in front of Rochelle making Rochelle jump back "sorry" the gloves spoke "I like your costume" the invisible girl said "oh thank you, sorry you just caught me off guard is all, names Cheney Rochelle but you can just call me Rochelle" "oh to problem names hagakure Toru but you can just call me Toru the invisible girl shakes her hands to show how she flustered making Rochelle chuckle.

Rochelle sat next to Midoriya on the bus " this wasn't the bus I thought it was" Ida murmured in despair making Rochelle sigh shaking her head with a smile "I say what comes to my mind Midoriya" A girl With dark forest green hair and features similar to a frog "is that so Asui" Midoriya questioned "call me Tsuyu "your quirk really like All might" Tsuyu randomly told Midoriya "r-really Nah mean I..."
" hold up Tsuyu all might doesn't get hurt though they're already different in that way that's sort of simple strength quirk is awesome"  a spiky redhead named Kirishima.

"You wanna talk about strong and cool? That'd be Todoroki Bakugo and  Rochelle" someone spoke "but bakugo is so unhinged he'd never be popular" someone chimed in  "shut up frog face!! "See" Tsuyu pointed out making Rochelle let out a slight chuckle.

"we've only barely started socializing and already been made abundantly clear to us the unpleasantness of your steamed turd of a personality" Kaminari spoke "what did you say Mr.vocabulary How about I pound you!! Bakugo yelled standing up "guess Bakugo is getting bullied who would have guessed Rochelle thought snorting "hey stop laughing you quirkless shadow"Bakugo shouted igniting his hands "it time to go and Bakugo sit down the bus hasn't park yet" Mr.Aizawa spoke as the bus comes to a stop.

The class got off the bus to see a vast dome "woah this looks like universal studios Japan" someone spoke Rochelle tapped Midoriya on his shoulder making him jump "what is Universal studios Japan? Rochelle asked "it's a place where um...  Midoriya was cut off"welcome to USJ also known as the Unforeseen Simulation Joint and the name 13 and I will be one of the teachers helping you today" 13 introduced herself.

before 13 could continue 13 pulled Mr.Aizawa to the side to talk about something but with Rochelle's ears she could hear what they were talking about All Might was already over his limit. that is why he didn't show up Rochelle thought.

the conversation ended and 13 went back to speaking " there are a few points 13 started counting her fingers making everyone sigh. As I was saying you all probably know my quirk is called a black hole and it can suck in and tear apart anything however my power could easily kill, anyway this lesson will show you a new perspective, and you will learn how to use your quirks to save lives thank you for listening" 13 concluded doing a slight bow.

suddenly behind 13 and Mr.Aizawa was a tiny portal and a figure appeared covered in hands "wow it's already starting" Kirishima asked ready to move "no stay back these are real villains" Aizawa exclaimed untying the scarf around his neck as the portal expands and more villains come trailing out.

   13 was telling the class to go to the door everyone started moving but didn't get real far a figure made out of the smoke "sorry, but I can't let anyone leave we are the league of villains and were here to end the life of all Might, the symbol of peace" the mist spoke Rochelle's eyes widen as her shadows stopped right under the guy  Kirishima and Bakugo ran at the Villian ready to attack "stop!! 13 shouted but it was too late mist-covered around everyone Rochelle felt a tug as someone held on to her as all she saw was black mist her ears started ringing.

Rochelle opened her eyes to see herself falling but heard a rush of air against her ears as the ground comes closer Rochelle sighed adjusting herself so her feet will land on the ground Rochelle softly landed on her feet like it was normal right as Rochelle's feet hit the ground serval villains surrounded her attacking her with their quirks Rochelle lifted her right hand and shadow shield appeared blocking all the attacks.

"let me guess you're here to take me down then take down all Might" Rochelle spoke "what your cocky you little girl we going to kill you" a villain yelled "kill me don't make me laugh" Rochelle coldly stated with a dark glared her eyes as her eyes flicker from black back to red Rochelle lifted her right hand again and turned it into a fist and pound the ground it started cracking and then Rochelle lift her fist again towards the shocked villains and a shadow-like hand appeared and grabbed all the villains and threw them across the doom corner " I am not a little girl" Rochelle scoffed started to walk away shaking her head.

Todoroki was integrating the villains about their plans to kill all Might was one of the villain's eyes widened in horror staring at what was behind him Todoroki turned around to see Rochelle "oh you caught the villains that I threw over here" Rochelle spoke Todoroki only nodded Todoroki started leaving Rochelle joined him as she heard the noises from the center of the building.

"are you alright? your hands are shaking"Todoroki started "eh" Rochelle reacted looking down at her own hands as their slightly shaking, "mmm nope all good, we should get going" Rochelle spoke and started to shadow travel through the dark cracks.

the time Rochelle made it to the center of the room All Might be being held by a creature with a brain fully visible on the top of his head Midoriya started running towards All Might as bakugo appears and an explosion from him came after, the smoke cleared Kirishima and Rochelle stood there while ice started to grow on the brained creature as Todoroki arrived Bakugo had the mist villain under the grasp by a metal thing around its neck Rochelle notice the figure a little faraway from them covered in hands scratching his neck and murmuring inaudible words.

the creature got out of the warp and ice leaving some of its arms behind but quickly regrown back suddenly the creature charged at Bakugo but a heavy gust of wind and Bakugo was moved beside Kirishima and Todoroki as All Might is trying to stop the Nomu "woah how did you do that? Kirishima asked "shut up I did do anything "Rochelle!! Midoriya exclaimed as Rochelle appeared from one of her shadows "yes" she replied stumbling a little "plus ultra!!!!!!! All Might shouted as he did the final blow and the creature went flying through the dome ceiling.

"you killed Nomu" the man with hands suddenly screeched All Might started to have smoke around him a gunshot was heard and all the teachers arrived beside them was Ida the warp villain appeared and took the guy with the hands covering his face.

Midoriya started running towards All Might Kirishima tried to follow only to be stopped by cement walls by the pro-hero Cementos Kirishima, Bakugo and Todoroki started to walk back except Rochelle stood still "Rochelle? Kirishima questioned suddenly Rochelle body swayed side by side eye site became blurry until she collapsed "Rochelle" was all that Rochelle heard before her eyes closed.

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