Chapter 55

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After the class finished talking to the principal, Bakugou turned around hands sparking "You're coming or not shadow! Bakugo yelled Rochelle was taken aback she wasn't sure how he knew shaving an internal debate before removing her mask "Welas the mask that obvious" Rochelle asked smirking "Huh? Mineta screeched Bakugo scoffed "Your gloves hanging out of your pocket" Rochelle laughed silently to herself. before following the class out of the door the dark feeling slowly disappeared.

"Cheney" Rochelle snapped out of the flashback she was sitting on the outside steps of the dorm  All Might was walking standing beside her slightly out of breath like he ran here "Hey All Might" Rochelle politely greeted All Might before looking back out to the sky watching the stars " I wonder how everyone back home is doing? she asked herself.

the loud typing filled the office "Sir we found the source of the vortex's"! a breeze filled the office "How? The portal hasn't been open since the Shie Hassaikai raid? "the activity seemed randomly popping up there are no heat signatures, I'm not sure" the guy working at the computer explained nervously "Something is not adding up" Mystogan grumbled to himself his phone goes off he left the room swiftly "hello- "'It's getting worse I-I'm keeping it under control the best I don't want to hurt the class if I lose control" Rochelle asks panic strained in her voice.

"I can stop by tomorrow, I'll see if I can help put a hold on it, but you need to calm down" Rochelle chuckled on the other end "You are right, thank you a few seconds 'do you think He could be alive? Rochelle whispered hesitating "there could be a possibility but I want you to try and think of any of the survivors or workers you remember" Mystogan asked her knowing the difficulty "I can see, If, I drew anything bye" Rochelle hung up on mystogan.

Rochelle hung up as All Might leaves the dorms Rochelle stayed seated looking at the stars the dorm's front doors opened "Aren't you tired? Rochelle chuckled softly turning after from the night sky Todoroki joined her in sitting  "Yeah, but I've been thinking a lot of things lately and I'm just..." Rochelle sighed -conflicted when things start looking up for me it doesn't stay calm for too long" She told him. "you're not alone you have the class well except for the magic stuff we can listen but you might need to explain things a few times". Rochelle laughed  "That's reassuring" Rochelle yawned "Guess I do need some sleep" The pair both got up "I'm not sure what happened between you and Midoriya, but I know you too will fix things" Todoroki told her before heading back inside Rochelle sighed "of course he'd notice, one step at a time" Rochelle mumbled to herself.

with little sleep Rochelle started looking through her sketchbooks trying to fix her broken memories but not having luck she left her dorm with an empty sketchbook hoping to remember something walking over to the dorms where Wendy and Romeo were staying "Rochelle! She was brought into a tight hug by  Nejire "how have you been? did your hair grow even longer? Nejire rambled "Nejire, you're going to suffocate her" Mirio laughed "Sorry" Rochelle chuckled lightly "It's okay, I was wondering If I could borrow Wendy and Romeo Mystogan stopping by needing to talk about something... Rochelle explained awkwardly.

Mirio laughed "Gotcha I go find them" Two minutes later a half-asleep Romeo was being dragged out by Wendy "Mystogan stopping by are you okay? Wendy asked as the three headed back to 1-A's dorm "The feeling is getting harder to block, HIS voice broke through but I have control for now". Wendy nodded hesitantly " Rochelle, there you are breakfast will be done shortly " Yaoyorozu caught Rochelle smiled before nodding.

the rest of the class slowly made their way into the common room doing their thing Rochelle sat on the cushion of a couch sketching HIM  before ripping the drawling crumpling it wanting to calm down she took a sip of her coffee  Midoriya walked in the pair hold each other gaze  Rochelle broke it off first taking another sip of coffee.

you're trying to get rid of me so soon Rochelle started coughing on her coffee "Woah, you good" Rochelle nodded "Y-yeah it just went down the wrong pipe" Rochelle laughed it off what fun is that the past never dies you're my vessel it's time to see how this plays out.

Midoriya couldn't help but stare at Rochelle even after they broke eye contact he wasn't sure how to talk to her he felt guilty for lashing out at her, he truly was she wouldn't forgive him Rochelle started coughing after a sip of her coffee "woah, you good? Kirishima asked Rochelle nodded catching her breath "y-yeah it just went down the wrong pipe" Rochelle laughed it off but something seemed off her eyes widen as she dropped her cup on the ground the shattering getting everyone's attention.

Rochelle started coughing harshly Wendy beside her started patting her back she started shaking black veins started covering her face "Shoot" Romeo yelled black blood started falling on the ground "What the hell?! Bakugo yelled "I-I can't help her" Wendy mumbled tears prickling her eyes. Rochelle screamed in pure agony her body gave out falling on the couch back arching in pain nobody knew what to do "Romeo call Mystogen! Wendy cried trying to hold Rochelle down, stopping her from thrashing her body slacked against Wendy's hold "Pick up, pick up" Romeo murmured trying to get Mystogen nobody knew what to do "W-what's happening? Kaminari asked.

"This has never happened before the veins happened after she was shot with the bullets from overhaul but I thought it went away ... Wendy tried explaining "I'll go get Mr. Aizawa" Tsuyu and Mina left the room "Do you think the bullet is still in effect? Ida asked "Last time my m-quirk didn't work it only harmed her " "How can we help" Todoroki asked Wendy told him Yaoyorozu came over and placed a wet towel on her head "She seems to have a fever".

Mina and Tsuyu came in with Mr. Aizawa and Mystogan  "What's going on? Mystogan asked looking at Rochelle cursing under his breath "Dang it, I didn't think this would escalate this far I thought she had it under control. he inquired "She choked on her coffee she seemed fine but the veins grew she coughed out blood, she started thrashing and screaming in pain then she stopped and has had a fever since" Wendy explained.

"huh? Mine telling us what the hell is going on?! Bakugou shouted Midoriya froze he wasn't sure what to do ignoring the angry Pomeranian looking over at Mr. Aizawa "We found a portal close by "if we can bring her home it's easier to helper there as much as we can do here" Mystogen explained  "huh? Mystogan picked up Rochelle's limp body  Midoriya snapped out of his frozen state "wait you're going back to Magnolia?! he asked  Mystogan only nodded. "there a chance we won't return do to the rifts of the portals".

Ida walked forward "Rochelle is a member of class 1-A as her classmates and friends is there any way we can help her," Ida asked him the class agreed Msytogen sighed knowing he couldn't get through to them "I understand that but there's no guarantee that you could come back, none of them back down "fine follow me the next vortex should be about... fog rose a bright light blinding them everyone dropped through the vortex unlike Rochelle they all land on ground limps spiraled in a heap on the ground.

they land a little way from the guild hall "Woah, this place is exactly like in her drawings" Jiro mumbled the class picked themselves  up "Welcome to Magnolia I hope it would have been on a better occasion" Wendy rambled "Woah, this is not Kanas anymore" Kaminari spoke "no time for detours we need to get to the guild" Mystogen broke off the classes distraction "right" the class followed Mystogen down the cobblestone path of Magnolia

Thank you for reading this story! I started writing this for fun and decided to post around December 2022 I only thought I would get a few readers or none at all and I am grateful for all the feedback I have been given I never thought I would write over 60 chapters of a story since I think of one Idea and go to the next in a week.


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