Chapter one - The city

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It was a rainy Tuesday afternoon, as it often was on the coast of Oregon. Portland to be specific. Not much happens here in my opinion and I often refer to this atrocity of a city as the dullest place on earth.

I live with my grandparents who are about to reach the ripe age of death so they never do anything really. Bingo and church on Sundays, grocery shopping on Wednesday, seems to be there version of fun.

Me on the other hand, I'm on my own quite a bit. I like to read so the library is probably my favorite place. I want to get out of this boring city one day but first I need to save up enough money. So for now, it's working at the ice-cream shop's not that bad though. I do have my bestfriend Matt.

Matt is undeniably the most awesome person I know. He likes reading as well, but his real passion is art. He's really good too. He works at the ice-cream shop with me and it's the only thing keeping me sane at the moment.

"Order up"

"Come on"


"Olive order up"

"Oh sorry" I replied as a came back to reality.

"I was just journaling, I didn't see any costumers walk in" I put my journal back into my bag that was decorated with Matt's paintings.

"It's fine Ol, but you know you really need to help me out today, I have a huge test tomorrow that I need to prepare for" Matt shouted from the other side of the counter while waving goodbye to the last costumers of the night. Oh yeah did i mention Matt was in art school? He's that good, amazing really. I don't even know what I want to do yet, all I know is that I need to get out of this city.

"Sorry Matt, you know I can't afford to lose this job either. I need the money" I sighed.

Matt crossed the room the put the "closed" sign up, "Then you need to stay focused and stop that zoning out thing that you do all the time"

I smirked as I threw my bag over my shoulder. "Oh but you are so good at saving my butt DAD, see you" I waved as a closed the shop door behind me.

The night came and went. Before I knew it, it was the next day and considering I didn't have to work until the afternoon, I headed down to the library. Today was sunny for a change. I smiled as I sat on the pampered grass of the library grounds, the sun shining down on me in a glistening fashion. These were the type of days I lived for.

I opened up my brand new book and started to read when I heard a car pull up in the parking lot just to the left of me. I turned my head to see a group of kids I went to high school with get out of the vehicle and banter as they approached the front door. I turned my head away in embarrassment. I was anything but the social type and I rarely talked to anyone other than Matt.

"Hey Olive" said a red headed girl with bright blue eyes. I looked up and immediately recognized her, Grace Pepperting. She sat behind me in math senior year.

"Hey" I replied, my cheeks turning slightly red in embarrassment.

"I haven't seen you since well you know..." she looked down as if she had just cursed a spell on the whole city.

"Yeah I've just been keeping to myself lately, reading" I shrugged as I shook the book in my right hand.

She smiled slightly "Well keep in touch and if you need anything...just don't be a stranger" and off she went into the building.

People have been treating me strange ever since my parents died last summer. In return, I've become a hermit. I looked up at the glistening sun and was reminded about a quote my mom always said to me, "Nothing's the end of the world, as long as the sun comes back up the next day". Some days I think the sun could stay hidden and I wouldn't even notice. I'd be thankful to be able to stay tucked in my shell.

Some time passed and I eventually decided to head back in the library and scan the shelves for anything new. As I walked down the shelves, the building appeared almost empty.


I tripped over something and fell headfirst onto the floor.

"Sorry, I'm so sorry" said a voice above me.

"It's fine" I replied as I rubbed my head and began to stand up. When I finally got to my feet and made eye contact with the mysterious voice, I noticed that it was someone I have never seen before. He was tall, green eyes, and brown curly hair. He was handsome.

"I didn't see you, I think you tripped over my foot" he said in a panicked voice as he tried to pick my books off the floor.

"Don't worry about it" I smiled. "Thank you."

He handed me my books with a slight redness upon his cheeks, "I've never seen you here before."

"I'm here all the time" I said with a puzzled expression, "and I've never seen you here either."

" I moved here a couple months ago" he shrugged. "My names Micah" he stretched out his hand for me to shake it.

"Olive" I declared as a shook his hand up and down.

"Nice to meet you Olive, maybe I'll see you around here again since you're here all the time" he grinned.

"Maybe" I smiled. "Oh shoot, I need to get to work! Matt's never going to let this one go!" I rolled my eyes. "Nice meeting you really, see you later!" I yelled behind me as I ran out the library doors.

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