Chapter eight - The truth

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Everything made sense. Somebody had taken Matt's keys, I think the answer to that is obvious. I know where to find them too. I felt dizzy as the cold air blew in through the open window and hit me in the face.

I was still in Matt's room. I turned to him.

"Matt I need to tell you something" I whispered.

"What's going on?" he asked with a flustered expression .

"I think it was Micah who took your keys" I responded flatly.

"Why would he want my keys?" he asked calmly as he began to pace back and fourth across the room.

"I don't really know, but I don't think it's good Matt.."

He stared at me like I had a third eye sticking out of my forehead.

"Matt there's something else I need to tell you" I frowned as I sat down on his bed and he followed suit.

I told him everything. All about Micah, all about the water fall, and all about him. He didn't look scared. In a voice that could make your skin crawl he turn and said to be calmly... "take me to the waterfall."


We walked and walked down the street, through the town, up the path to the spot where the mysterious waterfall sat. The sun was out, which made it quite hot and I could feel the sweat sliding down my back.

"Are we almost there?" Matt shouted behind me.

"Yes, come on!" I shouted back as I stepped over a rock.

We passed a few more trees and eventually the little waterfall came into view. Except something was different, there was no longer water flowing from the top. Where had it gone? I stopped in place, confused, I stared around looking for answers.

"This is it" I stated as I fumbled around looking for a trace of water.

"This isn't a waterfall Olive" Matt laughed as he caught up to where I was standing. " This is a giant rock if anything"

I walked into the cave that used to be covered by water, inside was completely dry. The puddle was gone. It looked as if there hadn't been water there at all.

"It was here" I yelled as I looked at Matt feverishly.

He stared around but didn't say a word.  I could tell that he was confused. Did he even believe me at all?

"The puddle is gone. It was right here. Now I'll never see the vision again" I slid my back down the wall until I was sitting completely on the ground. I put my face in my hands.

Matt laughed.

I looked up confused.

"Have you seriously been messing with me this whole time?" he asked with a look of betrayal upon his face.

"What?" I asked confused as I got back to my feet.

"Did you take my keys Olive? Is this just some sick joke to you?" he shouted at me.

He looked more mad than I've ever seen him before. I backed up a few steps. I could feel my face turn red with panic.

"Matt no of course not" I assured him quickly.

"Well I'm done playing your games Olive. First you start spending all of your time with this random guy and then you accuse him of stealing. Now you're trying to convince me that you saw the future. That I'm in some sort of...danger. It's ridiculous. You can continue to play make believe all by your self. Count me out" he said firmly as he stormed out of the cave.

I stood there baffled. Alone. My face burnt with fiery. How dare he accuse me of lying. He's suppose to be my best friend.

Why couldn't he just believe me?

I was starting to even doubt myself. In this moment I felt more alone than ever. I walked out of the cave a few moments later alone, trapped in my own head, my mind racing like water with the image of Matt's face in the center.

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