Chapter five - The party

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I walked into the library the next day completely hopeless. I had absolutely no idea how I would help Matt. I didn't know what was happening or when or who. I didn't even know if it would really happen. Micah's hamster died, just like his vision. I can't risk my vision about Matt coming true as well. I was becoming desperate.

As I walked over to the table in the middle of the building, Micah was no where in sight. I looked down at my phone.


I was on time. Maybe he was running late? Maybe.
I sat down at the nearest table and waited.




Where was he? I looked down at my phone for the final time.


I looked around at all the papers I had scattered across the table with times and possible suspects. Possible dates.

I knew that the date on the paper in my vision was June 15th, so it was before that. When before, that was still a mystery. I stacked the papers and shoved them back in my bag.

Why would Micah blow me off? Is he okay? Maybe he's in trouble as well? He's never bailed before. I felt my head become dizzy at the thought. My only solution was to go to the ice cream shop and see if he would turn up.

I walked into the ice cream shop half an hour later to see Matt standing at the counter with a huge smile on his face.

"What's got you so happy?" I grinned suspiciously as I rounded the counter and arrived on the other side of it.

"Look" he gleamed as he showed me his phone.

JUNE 10th 9PM

I looked up from the phone back to Matt.

"You're kidding me?" I frowned.

"Please don't be a party pooper" he rolled his eyes as he walked over to greet a new costumer.

"I'm not! We have more important things to do other Matt" I could feel my face turning red with frustration.

"Like what?" he stared at me for a response. For a good response I might add.

"Ehhhhhh" I stuttered.

"Exactly" he laughed. "Have a good day sir thank you" he smiled as the costumer exited the store.

"You need to study for school! I yelled in a proud tone.

"I'm tired of school, I need a break" he shrugged. "Just come, please?"

"I have stuff to do" I crossed my arms in front of me.

I need to figure out the vision, I'm running out of time. What if this party tonight, is the night that caused that awful scene I saw at the cemetery? I can't leave him alone.

"I'm having the party with or without you" he stated firmly.

Fine. I'll go to the party and then straight back to the waterfall to figure out the vision. Straight after.

"Fine. I'll go" I frowned.

"Thank you" he smiled.

"You haven't happened to see Micah today, have you?" I blurted out suddenly.

Matt turned from the counter to face me.
"I saw him back in that stupid garden again on my way to work, why?" he narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

What? What is his deal with that garden?

"He was suppose to meet me at the library. Never showed." I shrugged as I sat at a nearby table and threw my bag onto it.

"That guy has problems, I told you" Matt stated firmly.

Work was slow the rest of the night and before I knew it Matt was closing up the shop and we were driving back to his house for the party. I still haven't seen Micah all day and I was starting to become worried.

We walked into Matt's kitchen and his friends Tyler and Jordan were setting up the food and drinks in the corner.

"Hey guys" I smiled as I sat down at the counter.

"Hey Olive"

"What's up Olive, how've you been?" they responded.

In the hour following, person after person and group after group started to pile into the tiny living room.

"How many people did you invite Matt?" I shouted through the music and laughter.

"Sent that text out to the whole town!" he shouted back. "Seemed like a good idea not so much."

We squeezed our way through the crowd of people and over to the punch bowl that had to be refilled.

"Matt I think you should be more careful the next few days" I shouted as I grabbed his arm.

"What? Why?" he asked as he poured the new punch  into the empty bowl.

"Can you just trust me? I'll explain later. No more parties after this." I begged.

He stared at me for what seemed like for ever and then finally he whiped his brown hair out of his sweaty face. "Okay, okay fine" he finally replied.

Thank you.


I turned my head to see a familiar face standing in the door way. It was Micah.

I rolled my eyes and turned my back to him. I was so mad, how could he just blow me off when he was obviously perfectly fine.

"I can explain" he said as he approached the table where me and Matt were filling the punch.

"Go ahead then" I replied sternly.

"I was going to meet you at the library. I really was but then my mom said she was sick and that she needed my help at home. I was going to text you but I was so busy, I figured I would meet you here." he stated quickly.

Matt looked up in disbelief. "Oh really? Then why did I see you at the park on my way to work?"

"What? I wasn't..." Micah started to defend himself.

"Yes you were. Stop lying to her, I know somethings up with you and it's only a matter of time before we all find out" Matt shouted above the music pounding in the speakers nearby.

"Enough!" I shouted as I put my hands into the air. "Nobody's accusing anyone of anything right now"

"Matt? What's going on?" I heard a small voice say behind us.

"Mom!" Matt shouted with a look of fright on his face.

We turned to see Matt's parents standing in the doorway. They had come home early from their trip.

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