Chapter seven - The keys

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When I arrived at the library shortly after, I couldn't bring myself to think straight. I pulled out a chair at an empty table and sat in it. I folded my arms and buried my head so far into them that I couldn't see daylight. At least like this I could think.

I pulled out my journal. With all the commotion, I haven't written in days. I read the last thing that I wrote and suddenly everything started to piece together.

Every time Micah disappeared, weird events took place. Where was he vanishing to anyway?

How could everything make no sense but perfect sense at the same time?


I knew that voice.
I pulled my head out of arms and looked up to see Micah's face staring at me.

"Yes?" I replied.

"I'm really sorry about blowing you off the other day" he said calmly as he sat down in the chair next to me.

I couldn't let him know that something was wrong.

"No worries" I smiled.

"Matt really got in trouble huh?" he questioned me as he took out his books and plopped them onto the table.

"Yeah I guess so. He had to clean up the party mess and he's not allowed to borrow the car for a week" I laughed.

"At least you don't have to worry anymore" he said sharply as he flipped through this book about whales.

"Why's that?" I questioned him.

"Well what could possibly happen to him while he's home? Really I think you need to let all this waterfall stuff go Olive."

Interesting. Why does he want me to suddenly let it all go?

"Maybe you're right" I lied.

"Really?" he asked with a shocked face.

"Yeah, none of it is probably real anyway" I shrugged as I started to pack up my books into my bag.
"I'll see you later" I waved as I walked out the door.

I ran to my car and sped to Matt's house as fast as I could. What felt like an eternity later, I arrived and knocked on his door.

The door opened.

"Hi Olive!" his moms smiling face said.

"Hello, is Matt here?" I smiled back.

"Yes he's upstairs but he doesn't feel good today" she shrugged as she opened the door more to let me through.

I walked up the spiraled stairs and knocked on his blue door, that also had the same painting all over it as the keys from the vision.

"Matt" I called.

The door creaked open and there stood Matt looking as miserable as ever. He let me into the room and shut the door behind me.

"What's up?" he asked lazily as he laid back down in his bed that looked like it hadn't been cleaned in weeks.

"You look awful" I frowned as I sat beside him.

"Thanks" he laughed as he pulled a blanket over his body.

"Matt I need to tell you something" I started.

"Olive" he coughed. "I really don't feel good at all can you just lay with me"

I really needed to tell him about the vision. I needed to warn him.

I laid down next to him and pulled the same blanket over me as well. He wrapped his arm around me and I felt my stomach shudder.

"Matt" I called.

"Yes?" he answered sleepily.

"We really need to talk about something" I whispered.

"What's that?" he asked.

"I think you're right about Micah. I had this weird vision about you and I think you're in danger Matt. Please just stay in the next couple of days please" I begged as I turned around to look at him.

His eyes were closed.

He was asleep.


I opened my eyes what felt like moments later, to a loud bang.

Matt's window was wide open and there was dirt covering the floor.

"What the?" Matt shouted as he got out of his bed.

"What's going on?" I asked as I examined the scene.

"Someone was in here" he whispered as he looked around for a possible explanation.

"Why would someone come in through your window and then just leave?" I asked curiously.

He walked over to his desk that sat below the window and looked at the dirt below. Then back up to his desk. On top sat his laptop, a coffee mug, some paintings, and...

"My keys!" Matt shouted as he threw his hands in the air and started to pace. "Someone took my keys!"

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