Chapter ten - The ultimate realization

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Olive's pov

When I finally returned to my dimly lit street and my house fell into view, I saw a figure standing on my porch.

Who could it be?

I inched closer slowly and I could feel the sweat dripping down my forehead as I approached the landing where the tall, dark figure stood.

"Hello?" I called as I made my way up the driveway.

"Olive" the voice called back. Just then a head covered in locks of brown hair popped out of the shadows. It was Micah.

"Olive, I've been looking everywhere for you" he smiled lightly.

"Oh, you have?" I asked confused as I stepped onto the mud cover wood in which he was standing.

"Yes, can we talk?" he asked as he looked away nervously.

"Sure...come in" I replied shortly as I held the door open and he passed through.

Inside the house was dark as my grandparents were already sleeping. We stepped into the dark kitchen and flipped on the light. The kitchen was small but very clean and I crossed the room to pour myself a drink of water.

"Would you like a drink?" I asked awkwardly.

"No thanks" he replied as he sat down across the counter. "I wanted to talk to you about the last couple of days, I'm really sorry I haven't been around.." he begun.

I rolled my eyes slightly.

"I'm sorry Olive. I feel like I found out about the vision and then disappeared. Listen, I want to help you, how about we go back?" he gleamed.

How do I tell him that the water is gone? What do I say? I don't even know if I can trust him. I saw the vision of him in the garden with Matt's keys. Why would he have Matt's keys? I knew what I had to do. Lie.

"Why would we go back?" I asked casually as I took a sip of my water.

"So that we can figure out what the vision means, and well... well save Matt" he stuttered.

Why did he stutter?

"Matt doesn't need saving" I replied.

"But the vision..." he insisted as he looked at me with thoughtful eyes.

"The vision wasn't real, you were right. Matt's fine and I was very naive" I laughed.

"But..." he started.

"But nothing" I cut him off. "I'm never going back. Thank you though Micah, I forgive you" I smiled.

He smiled back. "Good, I'm glad. Let's hang out tomorrow"

"Sure" I gleamed as I stood up and started to direct him towards the door.

Well played Olive. Well played.

He suddenly stopped in the door frame and looked at me hopelessly.

"I really like you Olive" he whispered quickly then backed up a few steps onto the cold porch.

What? He likes me?

"Umm I don't know what to say?" I stuttered, confused.

"I just wanted you to know" he looked away nervously.

I saw his lip quiver as he spoke. Why did he seem so insincere? Like every word that came out of his mouth was a lie. I never noticed that about him before. That's where him and Matt were different. Micah radiates malice and Matt...well Matt radiates comfort and warmth. Anyone who has ever spoken to Matt would tell you that he's kind, honest. I stopped in my tracks, still staring at the dark trees that stood across the street. Micah was still staring at me.

"Olive?" he called.

"Sorry" I breathed. "I'll see you later Micah bye" and just like that I slammed the door shut in between us.

Why have I never noticed it before? Every time I thought of Matt, happiness flooded over me.

I think I was in love with Matt.

I sat on the steps that neighbored the door and stared out the window into the darkness.

I really loved him.

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