2000- Emma's POV

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***A/N*** Hey guys! How are you all? It feels so weird to be writing POV's that happen during 2000 cause that's literally the year I was born LOL. Anyways, I've got some big things planned for the next couple of chapters. Not all of them are going to be super fun to read (insert sad violin song here) but I really can't wait to write them and to get your reactions to them! I'll see you soon lovely people xx


 "What the bloody hell happened last night?" Walter groans from the floor of our living room.

"I think... we welcomed in the new year but I can't remember if we made it all the way to midnight," Lee says.

"Why was everyone so obsessed with Z8T or whatever the hell happened last night," I ask, trying to rub the massive headache out of my head through my temples.

"Y2K Em," Walter says. He sits up on the floor and immedietly falls back over onto his stomach, "Everyone was scared that the change from 1999 to 2000 was going to cause a massive computer programming bug and totally mess up how muggles live."

"Muggles have telly-phones but they're scared that their little bitty computers won't figure out how to go from nine back to zero? How does that make any sense?"

Lee laughs, then promptly grabs his head with both hands and moans, "It doesn't. We never said muggles were very bright."

"You're telling me," I take a drink from my coffee mug and sigh, "So I'm seriously considering moving to France."

Both the boys look at me, "What?" Walter asks.

"What do you mean moving to France?" Lee demands.

I look at them both, "Elliott. We've been chatting ever since that day when he came over and he brought up the idea of me moving there again. Just to get away from all," I wave my hand around in the air, "This. I think I'm going to do it."

"But..." Walter manages to get up off the floor and comes over to sit at the dining table with me, "What're we going to do without you?"

"It won't be till next year mate. I have to save up and get my things in order, find a place to live..."

"He's not letting you live with him?" Lee asks as he joins us at the table.

"He probably would, but I wouldn't want to. This isn't me chasing after some bloke. This is me trying to grow and get away from some memories."

Walter and Lee both look at each other, "Our rent is going to spike because of you," Lee laughs.

I roll my eyes and do my best to fight my smile, "You have me for a year. Then I'm going to go."

"How long do you reckon?" Walter asks. He looks genuinely hurt by the news but I can tell that he's trying to hide it for me.

"Not forever. I couldn't go without you two for that long. A year maybe? Two if I really like it."

"Two years..." Lee says. He looks at Walter, "We really are the last ones standing huh?"

Walter laughs and I roll my eyes, "I'm still bloody standing, I'll just be in a different country is all. Merlin, I've got to work on my French, I haven't spoken the language in years."

"Don't all purebloods know how to speak French and Latin?" Lee says. He gets up from the table and goes into the kitchen to find something to eat.

"Not all of us," I say, "But my parents taught me French. They wanted me to go to Beauxbatons till they learned that Mister and Missus Malfoy were sending their niece to Hogwarts."

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