2010- Emma's POV

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***A/N*** A week later than promised I know but I'm back! Sorry it took so long, for some reason I was having a hard time writing this chapter. I started and re-started it about four times before I was happy with the results. I'll be back next week (hopefully) let me know who's POV you want to see in the comments! Till then, toodles xx



I open one of my eyes and Darcy is staring down at me, "Uppy no',"

"What's with you and waking me up as soon as the sun comes out eh?" I laugh. I move around so I can sit up in bed and Darcy crawls into my lap and flops down, resting his back against my chest, "You sleep alright baby?"

"Sweepin good, dere monter unda bed," Darcy says. He bunches up the blanket in his hands, "No mo'."

"There was a monster under your bed?" I ask him, "What did it look like?"

Darcy shrugs his little shoulders, "Li' Daddy. Sayin' I lib wif him."

"Come on," I say kissing his head, "Show Mummy where the monster is."

"No Mummy," Darcy says softly, "No see."

I kiss him on his head again, "It's alright bub, Mummy can handle a monster."

"Bu' Mummy and Daddy yellin' when yous sees dem."

My heart breaks when he says that, no child should worry about something like that, especially not at two years old, "It's alright baby. I promise I won't yell at the monster."

Darcy nods his head then crawls off my lap, "Okay, but Mummy wanna 'and."

"Go get my wand then, I'll get some clothes on," I say to him.

Darcy struggles to get off my bed then toddles out of my bedroom door. I sigh, following his lead, getting out of bed. I take my bonnet off, hanging it on one of the posters of my bed and tugging on a silk pink bed robe. Darcy comes back into the room carefully holding my wand out in front of him, "Fo' you Mummy," he says trying to give it to me.

"Thanks, baby," I take the wand from him and take his hand in mine, "Show Mummy the monster."

Darcy leads me to his room but when he gets to the door he stops, "Mummy in," He says, "Big f'ist."

"Under your bed right?" I ask him. With a glance over my shoulder, I catch the last bit of his curt nod.

I go into the room, narrowly avoiding stepping on the huge wooden blocks we totally didn't steal from the Weasley's over Christmas.

I take a deep breath. It's a boggart, it has to be. I mean what other monster could turn into Travis like that?

"Merlin I didn't want to deal with a boggart today," I mutter under my breath.

"Mummy okie?" Darcy asks from his spot in the doorway.

"Mummy's just fine darling," I groan as I bend down to the ground so I can look under his toddler bed.

I nearly vomit at what I see.

It's Fred, course it's Fred. It's always been Fred.

Fred dead.

Fred's skull cracked wide open with brains spilling to the ground.

Fred the way he looked when we were at Hogwarts.

Fred the love of my life.

Fred holding my baby boy.


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