2011- Lee's POV

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***A/N*** Hey everyone! How are you all? My little part of the world has a polluted air warning cause Canada is on fire. Meaning my apartment smells like a bonfire. I'm having a greaaaattt time lol. Take care of yourselves and I'll be back soon! xx


"Okay, We have Freddie's presents, Leah and Cassie's not present presents and little Theo's not present presents. Are we missing anything?"

I look up at Walter, "You think we spoil these kids too much?"

"Darcy's not present present!" He touches his finger to his temple and runs off into the house somewhere.

I look at Piper who is curled up in my lap and sigh, "I think we spoil these kids too much," I say to her.

"We're the cool gay uncles!" Walter says coming back into the room with a bag full of wrapped presents for Darcy, "If we can't spoil them who can?"

"It's Freddie's birthday and we're showing up with a big bag of gifts for each kid," I point out.

"They're not presents!" Walter counters, "They're just... gifts. We haven't seen them in a while..."

"We saw them all last week at Sunday roast? Remember? All five kids were in our house?"

Walter waves me off, "And now we have a reason to celebrate! Little Freddie is six today, you really think I was going to let that blow past?"

"Sixty presents though Walter? All for him?"

"Ten for each year he's been with us!"

"We're going to go bankrupt when he turns twenty you know that right?"

"Only till he's eleven we're doing this," Walter points out.

"You realize that's 110 presents for one kid then? Not to mention all the other presents he's going to be getting on everyone else's birthdays? Or the fact that his parents and his grandparents and his other aunts and uncles are giving him things today too..."

"Yeah but how are we supposed to stay the favourite if we can't deliver?"

"We're going to stay his favourite anyways because we're the only ones that let him experiment in the kitchen when we're babysitting."

Walter looks over into the kitchen, "Maybe we should stop doing that actually. I don't think we're ever getting that burn mark off the ceiling."

I move Piper off my lap who retorts with a soft mew before curling up beside me on the couch, "Better get going then," I say to him, "I want all the Theo time I can manage before the rest show up."

"What's Percy's girl called again?" He asks me as he puts on his jacket, "I know he and Audrey had another one recently."

"Lucy," I say to him, "Born like a week or something before Theo was."

Walter nods his head, "Okay quick, I need a refresher."

"You don't need a refresher every time we go to a big Weasley party," I say to him.

He shakes his head, "They all look the same, they're all red-headed and loud, I can't tell which one belongs to who half the time, I need a refresher."

"You're a terrible Uncle you know that?"

"Not my fault they keep having more!"

I sigh, "Teddy is the oldest..."

"Oh, I know that! He's not going to be there because he's at Hogwarts. Did you see that little letter he sent us the other day? He accidentally blew up a greenhouse..."

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