2001- Violet's POV

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***A/N*** Hey everyone! How are you? If all goes according to plan and I don't start reading a book today, I should be back sometime tonight with another chapter. If not then I'll be back tomorrow! Cheers xx


Dear Molly,

Happy Christmas and a happier New Year! It's been a while since we spoke. I hope that you do not just toss this letter in the fire when you see who it is from. I need to talk with someone, anyone really.

My best friend in the muggle world has passed away. His name was Silas. He was the light in the last few years of darkness, with him beside me I thought I could finally belong somewhere again. Then the world just... took him from me. Well, actually a muggle car took him from me.

It sounds mad when I say it out loud, but I'm almost convinced that I was destined for sadness. It's my punishment for going against my family's wishes, for refusing their propaganda... I don't know. I haven't been able to think straight since he died.

This world doesn't feel like home anymore. I hate magic, it's taken so much from me, but I miss it. Godric I miss it so much. I'm tired of explaining myself to those around me, I'm tired of hiding my magic.

Maybe I should move back, there's nothing here for me anymore. I'm starting to think that there wasn't anything here for me to begin with.

It wouldn't be right away, I'd have to set my mind to it, find somewhere to stay, find a job in the wizarding world. Does experience working in the muggle world transfer over to the wizarding world? I don't know.

Tell George... tell everyone that I miss them dearly. I hope to one day meet little Victoire. I'm so thrilled that you are now a grandmother.


Violet LeStrange



Happy New Year! Thank you for reaching out, it made my day!

I am so terribly sorry to hear about your friend. He sounded like a wonderful person and I wish I could have met him. Things get dark every now and again but I can assure you that the world is not out to get you. A girl like you is meant for great things. Please keep your head up and take care of yourself.

While I am biased, I think that moving back to the wizarding world sounds like a fantastic idea! It's different here, with the Dark Lord gone and out of our lives. The air is lighter, it feels as if you can actually stand straight for the first time in a very long time.

Victoire is adorable. She looks a lot like Fleur which makes me think that she will take after her Veela side more than her normal side. But now that she is here, my relationship with Fleur has grown (or so I hope). Being a grandmother is a unique experience, not at all like motherhood.

Please continue to write, though they are only words, I feel as if I can hear your voice every time I read one of your letters.

Let me know what you decide when it comes to moving back home. I will support you unconditionally.

With love,



I stare at Molly's response, holding it carefully in my hands like I'm scared that it might burst into flames and disappear in front of my eyes. She didn't say anything about George this time. Suppose she hasn't told him that we are communicating so I doubt that she would have said that I miss everyone. I look up at the dark telly and I catch my reflection.

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