2009- Violet's POV

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***A/N*** Hey guys! A short chapter today as I procrastinate three different papers for my classes! Sorry I have sort of been MIA, school and work are taking a lot more of my time than I thought they would. Don't worry though! I'm still here, still writing, and still so thankful to each and every one of you for supporting me. 'The Years Between' just hit 26k reads and I'm completely blown away by it! Love you all loads and I'll do my best to be back soon with a longer chapter. Toodles! xx


"This is a terrible idea George," I say as I park the wagon by a park bench. With three young kids who can walk now, it's easier for us to pile them into a wagon rather than have prams for each of them. It's a terrible red colour that clashes with just about everything but George insists that we have to start our little Gryffindors early, whatever that means.

George doesn't look at me, just shakes his head, "If he can ride a broom he can ride a bike,"

"He's not old enough!"

"He's plenty old, isn't that right Freddie?"

Freddie nods his head and his helmet shifts on his head so it's covering most of his face, "Plenty old Mumma."

I suck on my teeth and George fixes Freddie's helmet for him, "See?" George says turning around to face me, his hands on his hips, "He's ready."

"Please Mumma? Uncle Wally gots me the bike for my birthday cause he thinks that four is ready," Freddie says, "I wanna be likes the other kids."

I can't say no to him, not when he's looking up at me with those big brown eyes of his, "George you do not let go of that bike you hear me?"

"You weren't this anal when he was learning to ride a broom," George points out.

I scoff, "Because you and I have been riding brooms our whole lives, you just learned how to ride a bike yourself."

"Eh," He waves his hand in the air, dismissing me, "Us Weasley's are bred to be tough."

Freddie runs to me and hugs my legs tightly for a second before racing back over to his father. I watch carefully as George helps Freddie onto his bike and makes sure that his feet are on the pedals properly. It's still got training wheels on it and Walter insisted that with those on he won't be able to fall over and crack his head on the pavement but I'm still hesitant. He's a Weasley after all, he's going to find a way to fall over.

"We'll be back," George says blowing me a kiss. Then he looks at Freddie, "Ready little man?"

"Ready," Freddie says nodding his head. His helmet shifts again and George scrambles to fix it.

"He's going to die," I mutter as George gets Freddie pedalling, jogging beside our son. I look at Cass and Ophelia who are content in the wagon, both of them bundled up against the chilly air, look up at me when I talk

I get both the girls out of the wagon, fixing jackets, pulling gloves on before we walk over to the play structure. I manage to get both girls into swings with ease.

The air is still cold, the chill of winter hasn't fully left the March air quite yet but George saw the sun in the sky and demanded that we close the shop for the day and get the kids out in the fresh air. How fresh the air is in downtown London is a different thing entirely but he's right. I feel bad having the kids cooped up in the shop all day and cooped up in the flat all night.

"Your Daddy is going to kill your brother today," I say to the girls as I gently push them in the swings, "Just wait, Freddie is going to come running over to us with blood seeping out of his forehead."

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