Chapter 1

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"Yes! That was Oyakatama-sama ordered me to tell you! You should head to the next mission right away,but I feel a bit bad that you're gonna be on a new mission after you just finished the mission you had early in the morning..More demons have been created."Kanae-san said as she pats my head.

"It's alright Kanae-san..I can do this,this is for Oyakata-sama and the other demon slayers and also for the humanity's good..What's the current situation at that mission,anyway?"I asked as I started preparing to wear my uniform again and clean my blade.

"From what Oyakata-sama told me..There might be one of the 12 Demon moons there might show up since more demon slayers have been slaughtered and there's still some demon slayers that could somehow keep up with the demon."She replied as I could feel my heart was aching from what she mentions that happens to the other demon slayers.

'I need to go right away.'

"Thank you for the information,Kanae-san I'll go now."I said as she nods and with that I jumped out from my window and run to the forest.

"This way Himari (Y/n)! CAW CAW!"

That was my designated Kasugai crow who'll lead me where the location is as I ran fast to catch up and save more demon slayers.

"Ara,ara..She really cares about the others than herself..I wonder if you can find someone that makes you more happy and also take a care of yourself even a bit..Ara,ara look at the time I still need to go back to the estate to see how Shinubo is doing."



Dead bodies were on the ground and on the trees inside the forest of the members of the demon slayer corp it wasn't that less it was more like a hundred for me whom have killed by the hands of the demon..Some demon slayers were slaughtered by their own blades and the others' body was being twisted which was more the worst of how they've killed in a brutal way.

'I'll get your revenge from the demon who've killed all of you and pray for yours souls with Himejima-san.'

"Tell the Kakushi to went here right away."I ordered my Kasugai crow as it headed his way back as I roam around the forest to see if any other survivor is still alive either if the demon is still here so I could kill it.

'There's no doubt one of the 12 Demon moons might be here..'


As I went to the west and north there wasn't still there except for the dead bodies of the members of the demon slayer corps as I decided to head to the east and if there's still no one there alive other than dead bodies,then I'll decided to take all of the dead bodies in one place so the Kakushi's wouldn't work hard of getting the others far away from the main location.

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