Chapter 3

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His Dark Blue eyes then went towards to face me along with his Black hair that reach down his nape as it sway to the other side.

'He looks like he was glaring at me..But,why?'

"Ah,I forgot..Didn't (Y/n) trained with you before?"Oyakata-sama spoke suddenly as Tomioka's attention went towards him.

"Yes,I was trained before with The Sunlight Hashira,(Y/n) Himari."He said as Oyakata-sama nods.

"Starting from now you'll be part of us! That's wonderful!"Kanae-san exclaimed as she clasped both of her hands which startled me a bit.

"I will not give anymore doubt about his strength! He was trained before by the Sunlight Hashira! The youngest Hashira among us,so I'm sure he doesn't need any trials!"Rengoku-san said.

"That's flamboyant!"Uzui-san said.

'W-Why do we even need trial if Oyakata-sama wants him to be part of us already..'

'But,by his looks it doesn't seem he cares neither it's all pleasure to him as he becomes one of us..Something's off about him by this rank as a Hashira..I mean he did work hard to become a demon slayer and it paid him off well.'

'But still--There,there it goes with the glaring..Since when Tomioka and I stop training because I was really busy with my missions and my time always got occupied by the demons wanted to kill me he started glaring at me as if I did something wrong towards him..'

'I really need a tea with Maye later..'

"Is there something wrong,(Y/n)?"Oyakata-sama said as the others looked at me and I quickly shake my head in response.

"I-It's nothing Oyakata-sama..I assure you."I said as he nod his head and we started to have our discussion on our Hashira meeting.


"As what I'm worried the most is that you,(Y/n) might run into any upper ranks again especially the lower one..You've encountered him twice it's good to hear if you won't run any of the upper ranks again yet..We don't know much about what blood demon technique they use."Oyakata-sama said.

"I'm trying my best to work hard and also try not to run any of them as possible yet..But,all of them that I encountered keeps saying they wanted my blood which I don't know why.."I said as the others looked at me.

"I-I mean! Demons wanted blood and flesh,but they keep saying 'marechi'.."I said as Oyakata-sama nods his head which I turned my attention to him.

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