Chapter 8

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"L-Love sick? What's that?"

Currently,I was having a private meeting together with Oyakata-sana and Shinubo regarding about Tomioka's status.He was still sick in bed and won't go to the Butterfly Estate to get heal and get some full rest there as he was being persistent to stay at my estate as I just let him since he was in time of need.

'What's love sick,anyway?'

"Would you mind explaining it to (Y/n),Shinubo?"Oyakata-sana requested as Shinubo nods and we looked at each other as her smile still shows.

'Is she smiling all the time? Or is it always fake?'

"What all I can say towards Himari-san,Oyakata-sama is that Tomioka took a deep liking towards you not just in a friendly way I also notice when you were assigned of guarding the Final Selection he's not eating all of his foods and he went into missions after another one without resting..I now know that he was missing you and that's why he got sick because of your missing presence by those 7 whole days."Shinubo explained.

"But,Oyakata-sama assigned me on that mission and I can't just reject it by his need—"

"Himari-san,do you possibly think Tomioka-san as more than a friend?"She cut me off.

"W-Well..Tomioka is just not my friend,he's a partner,I guess."I said as she just smiled while staring at me.

"Tell her what Giyu really feels Shinubo.."Oyakata-sama spike as I looked at the both of them confused.

"Listen carefully,Himari-san.."

'W-What's the sudden change of atmosphere??'



I spelt and squinted both of my eyes opened to see that I was still at Himari's room and estate which glass me because she didn't disobey my words that I only wanted to rest and heal here instead at the Butterfly estate without her presence.

I stood up and slowly stretch my arms as the door opens revealing Himari as she holds a tray with her and put it down on the side of the bed which there was a small table and a chair as she sat down and looked at me with a smile.

"D-Did something happen at the Ubuyashiki estate?"I asked as she shakes her head and took the large bowl with the spoon.

"Thank you—"

"Eat up,let me feed you,you need to save your energy.."She said as she started to feed me up.


'There it goes that weird feeling again..Whenever she do something so nice towards me especially with her smile and worried face I feel my heart is beating so fast and both of my cheeks were turning red or even both of my ears turn red and sometimes I get heavy breathing whenever she went closer or lean closer towards me.'

"Does it taste good?"She asked as I nod my head and she keeps feeding me up.

"Himari..A-Am I being a burden to you now? I'm very sorry about behaviour though.."I shyly said as she shakes her head.

"You're not a burden to me,Tomioka like what I've told you,you're important to me and we look out with each other,right? We did promise that with each other."She said.

"Y-Yes,we did do promise that.."I said as she hummed in return.

She keeps feeding me up which I was really glad that she's giving me all of her attention alone after all of those 7 whole days without her presence.I started to feel loneliness and worried when she was assigned all alone like what I did feel about Sabito's lost.

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